Frankie x Reader:Missed

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Reader's P.o.v

You walk to the fridge to check the stock. You were the one sent out to go grocery shopping this time, while everybody else went to do there own thing on the new island.

You sigh as you count the bags of flour, suger,rice and salt. You then hear a loud crash.

Thinking you were the only member on the ship, you grabbed a frying pan. You walk out, onto first deck and shout "Who is there."

You then feel a hand being placed on your shoulder. With out seeing who it was, you swung the pan.

It sounded like you hit something metal, so you turned around to see Frankie on the ground holding his crotch.

You were aiming for the head of who ever it was but, Frankie is like 7ft tall so some minor miscalculations.

You dropped the frying pan, and ran to him. You sweat dropped and said "Oh my god I am so sorry."

He then glared at you and said "what the hell (Y/N)."

You look down and see his inner thighs turning purple. You wince and say "I'll go get you some ice."

He then grab the bridge of his nose with left hand and says "Please, you psycho."

You then stand up and say "Yeah, I deserve that."

You run to the kitchen and grabbed plastic bag. You head to the freezer and grab two handfuls of ice.

You then run back and kneel down at his side. You lay him on his back and pry his hands away from his crotch.

You were aiming to put it on his thighs. You then raised you arm with the ice pack and slammed it straight down.

Missing the thighs all together and hitting him square on top of his crotch.

You wince because you know that had to hurt. He looked at you with tears spilling and then he let out an ear wrenching scream.

He then passed out. You then remove your hand from the ice pack and say "Ha...ha, I missed. Sorry."

Brook x Reader:Friend zoned

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