It was time, all the competitors had gathered and were all pumped up and ready to go. The Military Mare, which was what she was now going by after much begging from her partner, had been healed through magic and was back in tip top shape. The roster had been released, the first fight was between the foreigner, KO, and the macho wrestler of the Frozen North, the Fabulous One! The announcer, who was in a very neat tux, had a perfect blonde mane, and kickflank sunglasses, walked up onto the arena platform. The crowd was cheering for him as he was the most famous announcer of all time, Mr. Guy. He held up a microphone up to his lips with his magic and began to speak.
"Welcome welcome welcome folks to the first annual Equestria wide royal tournament! Where fighters from all across our wonderful land of Equestria have come to test their skill against one another! Yes I know that there have been others in the past but this one is the first that anypony's actually taking seriously, am I right?" A large portion of the crowd erupted in laughter "hah I thought so. Now let's introduce our fighters! First we have a foreigner far from Equestria, in a land shrouded in mystery..." he paused for effect and gestured to his left "give it up for the newcomer, K-OOOO!!" The blonde haired earth pony walked up to the platform, still wearing his trench coat. Mr. Guy walked up to him "would you care to tell the audience why you entered the tournament in the first place?"
"Well," replied KO "I heard there would be strong fighter here and was thinking that they could provide a challenge and that I could prove myself as the strongest of all of them."
"That's certainly the kind of attitude that we're all looking for, but realize that if you make it far enough you'll have to face the captain of the royal guard too." Mr. Guy pointed him to his side. "And now introducing the beast of the Frozen North, the very essence of macho and fabulousness, history's greatest wrestler The Fabulous Oooone!" The crowd cheered as the Fab One walked, seeming to be surrounded by sparkles. Most thought it was just special effects but when one looked closer...
"A-are those real? He actually sparkles?!" KO's jaw had dropped as he had never witnessed such a sight and probably never would again.
"So, Mr. Fabulous, I'm sure we all know why you're here but do please remind us."
The Fab One grabbed the microphone "why I'm here to show off the glory of the macho arts passed down by my family for generations. And to show all the youngsters that anypony can be like me if they train hard." The Fab One looked off into the distance dramatically, tears going down his mask.
Mr. Guy took the mic back and gave the Fab One a soft pat on the back and cried a little himself "well, folks, you heard it here. To your spot, Mr. Fab," he said softly. The Fab One erupted in a burst of energy, jumping high into the air and landing on his side of the platform. "Fighters ready!" Guy got off and threw his hoof down "fight!" (try this, maybe it'll help set the mood, or totally mess it up).
Both fighters rushed forward, meeting in the middle, the Fab One lunging at KO for a grab. KO, on the other hoof, came from under him, punched him in the gut, and held him in the air. The Fab One did not seem to be fazed one bit. "You are very strong, but your punches will do nothing to me," he grabbed KO's foreleg, his own hind legs firmly pressed on the ground, and threw him high into the air.
KO thought to himself as he was still rising "it seems I cannot overpower this opponent with my strength alone" KO reached his high point just above the clouds and began to fall "I must use speed, but first let's try out my new move." KO got in a position where he would land and face the Fab One, putting his forelegs to his side. A ball started to form between his hooves.
The Fab One looked up "ha! Maybe I threw him too hard, he'll be here in a bit and survive, I can sense his strength, it's growing as I speak."
After about 15 seconds KO landed, holding a blue ball of energy in his hooves. Somehow the ground had remained intact. "Bet you weren't prepared for this, were ya?"
The Fab One's composure broke. "By Celestia's beard! So that's what I felt! H-how?!"
KO grinned "I'm here to prove that I'm the strongest fighter alive! I can do anything!" The ball expanded and flew out of KO's hooves and towards the Fab One who could only brace for the impact. As it hit him a bright flash appeared, forcing most everypony to cover their eyes.