Regarding 'Fandom Thoughts' and Possible Comics (Random Fandom #2)

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So I haven't been here since forever and I have just been looking at random crappy crap shit on notifications on Fandom Habits and Fandom Trash and I noticed: it seems that it appeals more to the audience when I just give out short things. So possibly, we'll be getting shorter Fandom Thoughts formats similar to the old Fandom Habits from now on.

On to another topic, related to the short format. I have been recently thinking if I should make a comic about Fandom Thoughts. It will probably be on Tapastic or on Tumblr. Or both. Of course there'll still be updates here but now with pictures. Also I can't do Fandom 101. Then again, I only ever did one Fandom 101 ever. Lol

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