Park Jimin

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"Ah!" I can't stop the scream of pain that releases from my throat as Yoongi bites down hard on my thigh. I can't move because his weight is pinning me down and his hold is tight on my leg. After a second, though, the pain recedes and is instantly replaced with..."ugh...ah.." I moan as endorphins fill me and pleasure takes over. The hard pulls he's taking from my vein makes me fill weird..strange.
Heat pools inside my lower abdomen as I gasp out hard breaths. I look down only able to see his dark head on my thigh. I can't see his sharp teeth but I can feel them sucking my lifeblood out. I close my eyes, tugging my bottom lip between my teeth as I try to contain my moans. I bite down hard, tasting blood, as his sucking pulls increases. He's going to kill me.
I can feel myself weakening as I lay back and let him. It doesn't hurt anymore but instead makes me feel..I don't understand this feeling and it's really indescribable to me. I've heard about people feeling this..lust? Is this lust? I peak down and to my shame and embarrassment hardened against my stomach. I pray he doesn't notice.
I'm too afraid of him seeing my shame that I begin to shift nervously. He's moaning as he laps at my wounds but all I can feel is his tongue sucking at my sensitive skin...I can't take it anymore..I'm about
I shove him off me and he falls to the floor. He stares up at the sky with a dazed expression, blood covering his mouth and lips. I look down at my thigh to see the small punctures from his teeth still bleeding. I grab my shirt and quickly cover myself up. He finally stirs after a couple minutes and reaches for me again. Scared, I try to kick him but he stops me and sends a glare my way.
"Stop! I'm just going to close the skin." He grumbles as he holds his tongue against the bite mark and slowly the blood stops. He gets up and searches around u told he finds a towel. He wipes his mouth clean before handing it to me. I silently wipe the blood off my thigh then toss it aside to I can finish dressing. I feel his eyes on me the entire time.
"Don't fucking tell anyone about this if you value your life." He threatens. "Also, don't talk to me at school-we aren't friends. Simply acquaintances who seem to need each other's assistance. I'll keep my mouth shut as long as you keep me entertained, got it?" He demands.
I swallow the lump in my throat before nodding.
He fixes his appearance before leaving the treehouse. I follow after him after a moment.
"Don't tell anyone about this place either and don't get caught coming down here-it's forbidden to enter the woods. We aren't allowed here. Meet me back here tomorrow night, understand?" He demands, scowling at me until I answer.
"Fine...but what about my roommate?" I whisper. He laughs once before shaking his head. Although he's mocking me..his smile is beautiful...stop it, stupid! He can kill you easily!
"Taehyung? That idiot will be asleep before midnight. Come back then, make sure you don't get caught." He says before disappearing behind the trees. Leaving me alone once more in the dark-now creepy-woods.
I limp my way back to campus. I had forgotten all about my fall in light of all that's happened. My body hurts and my thigh is sore and throbbing now that the endorphins have left me. I missed all my classes, too. I hope I don't get in trouble. Surely Mrs. Kim will understand that I needed to gather myself before starting classes with these monsters.
I have the sudden urge to call eomma and demand she tell me if she knew of this. I was told I was selected randomly but how had my name even been put inside such a thing? Did my parents do it? Maybe they didn't know what it was for-or maybe they thought it was for free scholarship to school which is what we all though...
I'm so mad that they used our financial situation to trap me here. Eomma told me before leaving that I would be given an allowance for school supplies and clothes but how could they afford that unless...the school is paying them money to keep me here. The thought makes me more sad than angry. I want to go home.
I'll never be able to fool anyone here I'm not human. I'm the freaking number one example of an average human! I'm not beautiful like everyone here is. I had thought everyone here looked like models and now I know why. They aren't normal. How can I pretend to be something I'm so obviously not and can never be?
Mrs. Kim told me they can't tell I'm human unless I spill my blood but I would think they would be able to tell just by looking at me. I look nothing like a vampire. Just thinking that word makes me think of Yoongi...flashes of what he did to me and made me feel replay in my mind and I find myself blushing.
I've never been touched in any way before that and I have seriously mixed feelings about it. Obviously he isn't in to me. He just wanted to hurt me and satiate his thirst. He didn't pay any attention to me at all. Which I'm glad since I shamed myself by getting hard. It wasn't my fault, though! It was all from the bite.
I head to my room and open the untitled book/journal Mrs. Kim gave to me. I'm happy Taehyung isn't in our room as I sit on my bed and look through the old pages. I'm searching for a specific thing....I find it 200 pages in. Ah ha!
The bite of vampires and the effects on the human body. I continue reading.
The bite of a vampire can have a multitude of effects on a human body. The following is a list of known effects;
• A human will feel pain initially
• Following the pain, endorphins will be released from the brain
• An immense amount of pleasure will likely result in the body confusing lust/sexual feelings towards the vampire no matter the feelings prior
• Sex with a vampire while within the act of feeding is forbidden from vampires who have not reached full maturity. The bonding of a human and non mature vampire could be disastrous and have serious consequences
• Depending on the control and/or age of the vampire, death is likely to occur for the human victim if the wound is non sealed properly or the vampire loses control

I place the book down and plop back on the bed, staring blankly up at the ceiling. So I'm perfectly justified by getting a boner while being preyed upon. Nice to know. It doesn't make me feel any better, though. It just makes me realize that if Yoongi or any other was to kill me in this way..I'd probably like it. I do not that.
When he bit me...I felt like he could do anything to me and I would have happily gave myself over with little to no complaint.
        That's not me.
        Vampire must have some amount of control over their human victims when feeding. It's a terrifying thought. I don't like the thought that Yoongi can easily control me if he so chooses. I don't think he knows this though and for that I'm thankful. I remember him saying he'd never done it before-feeding straight from a human. So it only makes since that he doesn't know all that comes with it.   
        Idly, I wonder how it made him feel..does the bite bring lustful feelings to him as well or just the human? If not I don't want him to find out. I have the horrible suspicious he'd hold that against me and use it. I'm going to be used enough just by giving hi my blood. He doesn't deserve my body as well. I will never give him my body. Unless it's in a body bag.

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