Just One Day

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Chapter 1-Sweet Dreams

Your eyes slowly started to open to the light shining in, as your eyes were opening you felt arms around you, 

holding you. the embrace felt warm, you could feel the heat from his body. Smiling slightly you turn your body to 

face him. Now seeing his face, you started to smile and just stare at him. Memorizing his face, to his brown hair, 

to his nose going to his soft looking lips. You think to yourself "his such a sleeping beauty".

As you contuine to stare at him you notice everything around you started to go black and you could hear this ringing 

noise and it contiune to get louder and louder. Until your eyes actually flew open, to realize what you just experience 

was just a dream, a dream that you wished was true. As you gather up your thoughts you looked over to find your phone 

going off, you looked at your phone to see that it was him calling. Without hesisation you answered "Hello?" you said 

half asleep. "Hey!" his voice sounded wide awake and wired up, like he just had ten cups of coffee. "Umm, it's 6:30 in the morning. 

Why are you calling me so early?" "Remember? I promised you that we would go eat breakfast and get some coffee this morning." 

As if you didn't have enough coffee. You thought. "Oh yeah, my mind isn't completly funtioning right now...still..*yawn* half..asleep.*yawn*" 

"I know. I know. We've been on a tight schedule lately..with our comeback and all. I just thought we could do this early so fans won't spot us and all. 

They would assume you were my girlfriend and start this whole war. I wouldn't want you have to deal with that." 

Right. You thought, that's all we were..friends.  

"I understand. That was mean of me to ask. What time do you want to meet?" 

"Hmm, how about..7:30ish?" 

"Ok,sounds good to me." 

"Alright, see you then...Sheena." 


After hanging up the phone. You started to get ready. The next thing you know it was time to go meet up with 


You arrived first at y'alls favorite breakfast resturant. You got a table, sat down and ordered some coffee while 

you waited for him to arrive.  

You started to think, think about how y'all first met. It was 6th grade, y'all had study hall together. 

You were the quiet shy girl that didn't really talk much. One day you were sitting, writing stuff down to hear a chair 

pull up in front of your desk. You looked up to find this boy staring deeply at you. "Um,hello?" 

"Hi." You started to feel a little bit confused,why would a boy good looking as him be staring at me like that? 

"Um. Not to sound rude or anything..but, why are you here?" 

"Well, we've had this class together for awhile and every time your in here, you look bored and lonely. I'm guessing  

you don't have any friends in here so I thought I could become your friend today." 

"Oh, I'm not lonely or bored, your right about not having any friends in here, I'm just to shy to talk to anyone." 

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