Chapter 3- What Just Happened?!

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Chapter 3- What Just Happened?!

After hanging up the phone with Taehyung, you went into the living room and turned on the tv,
to the channel Taehyung told you to.
On the screen you saw what it look like a press conference,there was a table with seven chairs then
you could see a bunch of people that you assume was the paparazzi,you could see the flashing of
the cameras. How could something like this get on the news so fast You thought.
The boys came out and took their seat. The conference then started.
The paparazzi asked so many questions like "Who is that girl?" "Is she your girlfriend?"
"How long have you guys been dating?" "Where did you guys meet?" "What were you guys doing eating?"
All these questions were making you mind blown but Taehyung seem calmed like it wasn't making him
confused. You were sitting there thinking "how is he going to answer all of these?" He then started to answer
the questions with a answer you wasn't expecting. "First off, there is something I would like to say to our
ARMYs. ARMYs we love you dearly and the love and support you have given us is more than we can give back.
We just want you to know that you will always be in our hearts but if you see one of us with a girl and you
might assume it's our girlfriend becuase it could possibly be not, if so it is, with all respect please support us
and know that your oppa or dongsang is really happy with her and if things don't work out between us please don't hate
on her. I'm sure you all are wondering who she is and what we were doing that day. Her name is Sheena, we are long time friends.
Are we dating? No. What we were doing that day was having a friendly lunch but there is always that chance that love could blossom
between us, if this happens we will annouce our relationship to the public."
 You sat there with your jaw open and in shock. If love blossoms between us? What?! Is there a chance
his had feelings for me also? You thought. You weren't sure what to say to that or how to even ask him.
You felt like things are moving quite fast. Deep in thought, all of the sudden you hear your phone ringing
to see that it was him calling. "Hello?" You answered.
"I can explain what I mean by love can blossom between us but I don't want to do it over the phone." He said.
"Ok..where do you want to meet?" You asked.
"The pratice room, nobody is there right now so it would be a good place for me to explain."
"Ok, I'm on my way." You said and hung up the phone.
 On the way to the pratice room you were having so many thoughts going through your head.
Arriving there you went staright to their room and found Taehyung sitting there waiting.
You sat in front of him unsure what to think or how to feel. You've had feelings for him for awhile now,
to think he might be confessing to you is unreal and uncalled for.
"Ok.."He began.
"I know what I said there was really uncalled for, if you think about could blossom.
Sometimes when friends grow close they can grow feelings for each other. I'm not sure how to explain this
but I know one thing for sure." You were litteraly holding your breath but he contiuned "I've had
feelings for you for ahwile now and now I think it's a good time now to confess."
Your heart was pounding and you didn't know how to respond. How did you not see it? You thought.
"Taehyung...I...I..don't know what to say." I sound like I'm saying yes to his propsal. You thought.
"Do you feel the same way?"He asked sounding a bit worry.
You sat there feeling like you were frozen. The words wouldn't come out, it was like you lost
your voice.
Before you could finally get your words out. You start to hear this noise. The sound was like *BEEP..BEEP...BEEP*
 Your eyes flew open to hear your alarm going off on your ipod. You still had your ear plugs in.
What?! Was that really a dream? It felt so real. Everything seemed to real. No way. This had to be real. You thought.
I did go eating with him yesterday but did I hear a or see a camera flasing?
"All of the sudden you heard the sound of a camera clicking as if someone spot y'all and was taking
pictures. You looked around to find a man with a huge camera around his neck taking y'alls photo.
"Taehyung,look!" You said while ducking your head, trying to hide yourself.
"Great. Let's go!" He said while pulling on your arm.
Y'all both pay for the check and hurried on out of there."
You thought a little bit harder on this and remembered there was a guy taking a photo but even though it
looked like he was looking at y'all,you still just wasn't sure.
You went and got your laptop,went and sat down on the bed. You started to do heavy research if you could find anything.
Nothing. You thought.
Now that you thought about it, the camera guy wasn't part of the paparazzi and there was people
behind y'all. You soon realized that even though the camera was looking like it was pointed at y'all.
It wasn't, the cameramn was taking a picture of the couple behind y'all.
Wow. You thought.
I just got worked up over nothing.
You went to the bathroom and took your shower, wanting to forget all about this.
After you took your shower, you realized you slept until early in the morning. Forgetting that
you set your alarm on your ipod.
You decided that you were not going anywhere,not answering any phone calls or texts. Just have a day
to yourself.
You went to the living room and put your favorite movie in "Home Alone"
Even though it wasn't Christmas, you really needed a good laugh right now.
Note: I know what y'all are thinking...WHAT!? Haha yeah...
Half way through the story I was thinking "Yeah, I'm going to do this."
It doesn't seem too confusing,right? I hope not. I tried to make it match up from the last chapter.
I really hope y'all like this chapter!! I hope I didn't ruin the story for y'all by doing that.
That was a huge suprise huh?
Thank y'all so much for reading this and I hope y'all will contiune to read my chapters!! I'm still not
sure where I'm leading this story. I hope I can do more plot twists..haha we will see.
What might happen next?

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