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The next day Y/N and Lucius were peacefully watching Pretty Little Liars, until a knock sounded through the house.

"I'll get it." Y/N said rolling her eyes.

Once the girl opened the door she was engulfed in a hug. "Y/N! I MISSED YOU! WHY HAS MY WIFE LEFT ME!?" Y/N giggled recognizing the girl as Christopher. She had short thick blue hair, red glasses that covered her large brown eyes, she was wearing packman headphones, around her neck, her ears and eyebrow were covered with piercings, her right arm had a black tattoo with an eye in the middle, her outfit consisted in a green invaders tank top, short shorts with the underlayer of tights, her right leg was black and the other was a greenish blue with black polka dots, Black combat boots covered her feet completing her look.

Y/N was relieved to her best friend's face which held a large smile under her button nose

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Y/N was relieved to her best friend's face which held a large smile under her button nose. "MY LOVE~" Y/N yelled bringing the girl into another hug. The two have been inseparable since 3rd grade and had gotten 'married' in 5th grade at Christopher's house that her little brother Zach gave them away to each other. After Y/N moved away for college so did Chris and they would rarely see each other, but made sure to skype everyday.

Sadly Y/N hasn't talked to Chris since she was kinda kidnapped. "N/N I MISSED YOU~ You haven't been talking to me! I was worried and started to think you were mad at me, but you hugged me back so I guess not."

Y/N giggled before replying, "How did you find me?"


A cough cut off from their conversation, "My love, who is this?" Y/N's eyes lit up at the question, but before the female could say anything Chris decided to introduce herself.

"My name is Christopher, but you can call me Chris. I'm Y/N's lover, well not really we just tell people that. I guess you're her new boyfriend. It's about time my Y/N has been lonely forever, and refuse to have contact with anyone." At this Lucius began to get furious.

"Why the hell are you in my house talking to MY Y/N?" Lucius glared at Chris who only gave a confused glance.

"Chris go sit down in the living room I'll be right back." Y/N grabbed Lucius's wrist bringing him into the kitchen. "Okay listen, she's extremely important to me, and if you hurt her in anyway shape or form, I'm finding a way out."

After catching up with Chris she had to leave for her "Hawt date." It was now night and Y/N was in her room trying to fall asleep, but had an odd feeling in her stomach. She felt like something bad was going to happen. Most of the time her gut feeling was correct, but despite being afraid she found a way to fall asleep.


When the female began to gain consciousness she noticed her back was aching along with her neck. She tried pulling her hands up to her neck to find them tied. Her eyes then snapped open to see complete darkness besides a small hole in the wall which only showed dirty concrete. The female was tied to a metal chair which was a bit cold indicating she just recently got here. She noted that tape covered her mouth.

She decided to spit out saliva until the tape fell off which it eventually did. She figured it was best not to scream. On the back of her metal chair it was chipped into a rugged edge she aggressively rubbed the rope sometimes cutting her skin in the process. It felt like hours before she managed to get the rope off.

A door opened in front of her, and a girl about her age came in with a knocked out Lucius dragging him by his hair. "Hey uhm you come here I need water." Y/N said in a rugged voice. The female rolled her eyes throwing Lucius next to Y/N.

Once the female came back inside and held a glass of water to Y/N's lips she swiftly wrapped the rope around the girl's neck forcing her to pass out and drop the glass breaking it into fragments. She stepped over the glass shards and slapped Lucius waking him up.

"Would you like to explain to me where we are?" She whispered harshly.

"I'm sorry. One of my enemies just recently got out of jail and has come for revenge."

Without speaking the two grabbed the largest pieces of glass wrapping one edge in cloth to make their escape. Lucius forced the female to stay behind him as they navigated through the twisted halls. Once they found a window they decided to go out that way instead of the front. Lucius went first jumping onto a truck below the window. Without thinking the female jumped after him as her caught her.

The two climbed down before Lucius snapped the neck of the driver hiding his body. When he came back Y/N was in the passenger's seat. Once he got in he pulled her to his chest. Tear involuntarily escaped his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry for putting you in this position. I should've protected you, my love. Please don't leave me."

Not knowing what to do she looked up and wiped his tears away kissing his forehead. "I'm fine. We got out of it. Let's just go home okay?"

A male who looked similar to Lucius stood in the window of the 5th floor watching the two thinking they're free with a deep chuckle.

A/N- I'm sorry if it feels rushed. I think I'm terrible at this. Anyway I hope you enjoy the rest of your day/night.

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