I can't talk about my feelings well...I always try and avoid the question..especially this one person..I can't get them off my mind...whenever I'm sad I think or talk to them..I feel happy..ecstatic even...but i can't tell them...and being poly sucks for me..because I like this person who isn't really into poly relationships...and then there is this other person...but i just..can't speak my mind..I just really like them and I don't know how to say it...I'm a mess with my emotions and my words...
I don't know how to function...
I hate myself..cause i want to say so many things to them but I can't..
I think about them a lot...and we've only been talking for about a week..I'm pathetic I know..they would never like me the same or think about me the same or want to be with me...
they probably don't want anything to do with me..
but..the reason..I cant tell you is because, you don't feel the same i can see it on your face, or maybe I'm just bad at reading people
but I hate rejection..that's why I don't say anything..that's why i say pancakes...because my feelings would probably scare you away, and you probably wouldn't wanna talk to me...and you'd reject me...
I scare everyone away with my feelings...I'm sorry...