Chapter 12

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"Gray?" Acorn's worried cry rang from the warriors den as she walked out, her brown fur blending in with the dark night. She had been exhausted every since last night. The ambush was hard to take in for most of the warriors at the camp. It had been a pretty rough day, and many neko's including herself couldn't believe the fact that an old clanmate would even dare lay claws on her former leader.

"Acorn," Gray muttered. She turned around, comforted by her leader's voice. The only thing the clan needed right now was a little affection from their leader, and hearing Gray speak seemed to give that to her. "We're going to Ashclan, to speak to Dawn about the phantoms. We also have to talk to Eclipse and Frost and find out why they left. Where's Webkit?"

"She's in the kit's den. Is she coming with you guys too?" Acorn folded her arms, as if the plan sounded inconvenient. She knew how bad the okamis handled kits from the previous ambush when Ashclan's beta, Night, killed them all off one by one.

"Yes," Crystal exclaimed as she suddenly appeared next to Gray, "We figured she would help convince Silent to come back to Stormclan."

Gray nodded, "Crystal's coming too because Web would only agree to come if she's here."

"How about Red?" Acorn inquired, a little part of her hoping that he would stay at camp.

"He'll be in charge of the camp while we're gone." She breathed in as she heard the words flow out of Gray's mouth.

"Crystal, can you go get Web? I need to tell Acorn something," Gray nodded to her sister as she sprinted off. Acorn frowned, wondering what the leader had to say.

"As you know, our clan needs a new co-deputy," Gray leaned into her ear, "And I decided to choose you..."

"Me?" Acorn widened her eyes and took a step back, "Gray.. I really can't.."

Gray nodded, "Yes you can. You've shown me more loyalty in one moon than all of my warriors combined."

Acorn opened her mouth to speak, but before words could flow out a wailing cry interrupted their conversation. Gray turned, and standing behind her was Crystal and Web. "I want to sleep!" Web cried, "I don't wanna go! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!!!"

Crystal picked up the kit, and rocked her back and forth, "Shh..."

"Another reason why we're bringing Crystal. I can't handle crying kits," Gray patted Acorn on the shoulder, then scurried off out of the camp where her sister followed. Acorn stood behind, still in awe by her new promotion.

Outside the camp, the woods felt colder and darker. A heavy breeze flowed through the trees, tickling the gray leader's fur. She looked up and coming from the sky were tiny droplets, which she soon discovered to be miniature snowflakes. Web, who suddenly stopped wailing, held up her palm and smiled at the sight of the flakes piling on her claws, staining them a frosty white.

"We should've brought heavier jackets. It's freezing!" Crystal shivered, as she placed a blanket on top of Web.

"Hey, is wis thwe Ice Kingdom?" asked Web, who had gotten her tongue stuck to an icicle.

"...How do we get that off from her tongue?" asked Gray.

"It'll fall off. ...Most likely," answered Crystal.

"The tongue or the icicle?"

"We'll see, I guess,"

Gray hesitated, but then dismissed the thought. They continued walking for another half hour until they finally reached the Ash kingdom. She had never been in their camp before, so she unleashed her claws, and prepared herself in case of any unexpected attacks. The okamis were hard to trust, so it would be best if she flexed her claws out a bit incase she had to use them. It had stopped snowing, and the icicle on Web's tongue had finally melted. Gray and Crystal took one look at a mountain that stood in front of them. They were on Ash's territory, and even though no one was to be seen, they could feel an unwelcoming presence washing over them. Gray took one step inside the gate and looked around. Okamis immediately took out their weapons and unleashed their claws.

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