Ch. 4

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Austin stood up, his eyes were full of fear and worry.

"Austin, you bastard!" Someone called out. It sounded like a girls voice. I finally caught sight of her. She was average height, light brown hair, and pissed as fuck.

"Melissa?" He said with wide eyes.

"Who the fuck is this?" 'Melissa' said while pointing at me.

"Who the fuck are you?!" Onyx said while standing up.

"I've tried calling you over and over again but you never pick up! And then I track you down and you're with this skank!"

"HEY! WHO THE FUCK YOU CALLIN A SKANK!?" I yelled. I had my fist up but Onyx held me back.

"It's not what you think!" Austin yelled back. His voice was full of regret.

"Not what you think?" I thought to myself.


"W-wait," I said getting into the middle of them, " y-you have a girlfriend...?" My voice softened. Tears started to brim my eyes. I turned to Austin. Sadness turned into rage.

"Damn right he has a girlfriend!" She yelled.

"No she's not my girlfriend! Alex I can explain!" He said looking at me with the words "I'm sorry" practically spilling out of his eyes.

"No! I get it now! I was just that side chick that you sweet talk just to get in my pants and then after that throw me away like a dead dog!" I could feel a tear rolling down my cheek. I grabbed my bag and stormed out of the bar.

"Alex wait!" Onyx said behind me. I walked faster. I didn't want to talk to anyone. This was too good to be true. I knew I wasn't really worth anyone's fucking time. I knew it. I fucking knew it.

I got home and ran into my room. I slammed the door close and slid against the door to my knees. All the feeling I had left in me drained out of me. Numbness paralyzed me. I sat there with my back against the door. I could feel the tears drip out of my eyes but I wasn't crying. I didn't want to cry, or scream. I just wanted to disappear. My phone buzzed over and over again but I ignored it. I finally gained the motive to crawl in my bed. My head hit the pillow and I fell asleep.



The awful alarm I had on my phone woke me up. I unwillingly got out of bed and did my normal morning routine. I wore a The Walking Dead Shirt that said "WWDD?" (What Would Daryl Do?) and it had Norman Reedus holding a cross bow with some light blue jeans and my black Supra's.

I went out the front door, not feeling like eating. I was half way there to school when Onyx caught up to me.

"Hey, you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah." I said bluntly.

"Okay." She dropped the subject. She got that I didn't want to talk about what happened.

We got to school just when the first bell rang. I walked to my 1st period, which was science.

I entered the classroom and sat in the back. I slumped into my seat and put in my ear buds. I wanted to shut the world out. I put on El Mañana by Gorillaz. The teacher in my 1st period isn't bad like my other teachers. Ms. Sandras is actually pretty cool. You can come to her with any problem and she'll help. Personally, I think she's better than the school counselor. I hadn't noticed that the whole class was looking at me. I pulled out my ear buds and Ms. Sandras looked at me with a worried look.

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