Ch. 3

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"Why don't you text him!" Onyx asked me while we were heading to our next class.

"Because I don't want to! Are you happy now that I've given you an answer?" I scolded. She raised her hands up in defeat and backed up a few steps.

"Okay, okay. Just don't come back saying that he doesn't talk to you anymore."

I rolled my eyes at her.


We arrived in English class and the big greyish board said "Pop-Quiz!" in big bold letters.

"What the fuck? That's bullshit!" I practically shouted.

"Hush your mouth, woman!" Onyx told me.


"Shut the fuck up with yo shingles havin' ass." I said quietly to myself. Onyx giggled.

"Question one... Okay let's see here. Where did Moby Dick take place?"

I glared at the paper as if it was alive.

"Crazy ass lady making me take a pop quiz," Onyx complained, "got me fucked up."

The lights flickered for a second. I looked up.

"The hell?"

The room went dark.

"Class don't panic. It's probably because of the heat."

She was right it was about 99 degrees outside.

I heard someone come in the room.

"Oh, hi Mrs. Lei!" Ms. Konner said.

"Onyx..." I whispered.


"Let's get out of here."

"How are we gonna pull that off when the principal is right here Genius?!"

"It's dark as hell. She'll never notice. Plus no one will notice cause the hallway cameras are probably down too. Come on let's crawl this bitch out."


I slid off my seat and squatted under my desk. I looked at Onyx and she nodded. I got down on all fours and started crawling. Onyx wasn't too far behind. The rest of the student's were too busy on their phones to notice. We reached the door and crawled to the middle of the hallway.

"We actually made it!" I said.

"Shhhh!" Onyx almost yelled.

We slowly walked towards the hallway's door. We went to the quad.

"Well just our fucking luck. No security guards!" I cheered.

"Probably checking on other classrooms."

We heard footsteps.


I dove behind a bush. So did Onyx.

I peeked over the brim of the bush. I sighed in relief. It was some other kids ditching too.

"Let's go, we're safe."

I grabbed on to the school fence ready to climb.

"Aw hell naw," Onyx said, " you are gonna give me a push!"

"Fine, get over here."

Onyx grabbed on to the fence and I gave her a push over the fence.

I climbed over and got my shirt stuck one of the fence coils.

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