An Eventful Evening

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   I thought I should add this extra chapter for you Guus it's a lemon about the lovely couples first night back together...though I thought that would be assumed lol have fun ;D...

    His lips brushed against her neck as he gripped her side's Lovingly and needingly as he whispered eroticaly" I need you" "I need you as well" (f/n) responded pulling Connor into another kiss. "I thought about you every night" He said taking off his shirt" I did too" She responded feeling his sculpted chest.

   "I can't wait to mark you as mine again" She bit her lip" Connor I've always been yours with or with out marks I always will be" He kisses her softly groping her (s/a/l) Brest.

    She moaned softly" Connor I know it will be hard raising a child but you will be the best father ever" He grunted in response" I know my love" He left a trail of kisses down her neck to her collar bone ware he sucked making (f/n) moaned softly, He stripped her down and eyed her.

   "I've missed your body-" She pulled him close" And it has missed you as well" He chuckled taking off his trousers hovered over her.

   "your so beautiful" He kissed her softly and sweetly making her blush. his member rubbed coyly against her womanhood making (f/n) moan" Connor I want you inside of me"  he bit his lip" do you now?" She nodded" yes" She purred as he kissed her roughly on the neck, sucking on her sweet spot making her groan.

    She wrapped her arms around his neck and he inserted her slowly. (f/n) gasped forgetting how he felt and being reminded all at once. "c..." she said softly

   Connor stopped mid way into her" am I hurting you? Is it to much? just the tip?" (lol My archer moment) She bit her lip" Connor-just" He kisses him roughly" take me already" 

    He nodded continuing to enter her with a groan" Your so tight-"he said with another push getting deeper. (f/n) arched her back to him. He chuckled kissing her and she kissed back.

   Connor began to thrust at a slow pace making sure that his love adjusts to him once more. (f/n) placed her hand on his cheek and kisses his lips softly. "I'm ready" She whispered sending chills down Connors spine, he nodded thrusting more faster than before making (f/n)'s toes curl" oh connor" She mewled rocking her hips to match his speed, She wrapped her legs around his waist and Connor groaned gripping her petite waist.

     The room soon became filled with the smell of copulation(in case you haven't noticed I don't like the word sex So I use its more...sensitive sounding word I'm sorry guys) and  if you listened closley enough you were able to hear soft moans and grunts as well as the creecky bed below.

   Connor pounded into his love hitting her spot reapeadidly making (f/n) mewl and writh at his every motion. "Connor" She yelled out, he responded with a Kiss on her neck giving out a soft purr. "I love you so much" He said pounding rougher. (f/n) shivered and panted" Oh-my- " she whispered as her walls constricted against his member. Connor groaned powering through hee orgasm, her juices coated his member and he groaned close to finishing he endured a second orgasm and as she moaned out his name, he released inside of her his seed.

    They both panted he kissed her again before pulling out his still swollen member. she played on his chest listening to him breath. "Connor your still hard" He nodded" it will go down give it time" "did I not satisfy you?" (f/n) looked down with a sad expression." My love yes you have, it stood like that after our first time as well." She pouted straddling his chest.

   Connor grunted "(f/n)?" "My body may be done but my mind certainly isn't..." she kisses down his body" and I don't think it's fair how you are able to satisfy my but...your carnal thoughts still rave on, I won't make you suffer through that painless torture" She continued to kiss lower untill she got to his above average member.

    It twitched when she grazed her lips upon it. He groaned as (f/n) kissed it softly taking his tip into her mouth. She sucked gently as she pumped the rest of his what she assumed 7 inch member. (f/n) didn't realise the size until she was fully down there and she loved it. She loved making him moan with a kiss or squirm with a touch.

    Connor gripped her hair and (f/n) moaned against his member, Connor groaned bucking his hips upward making (f/n) yelp as he deep throated her, but she did what he wanted and that is just what he wanted.

     He pulled her head ware she wanted it to be and she sucked. His member twitched once more as he released into her mouth. "I love you" He groaned, member becoming soft (f/n) swallowed And then smiled, he kissed her roughly heart still pounding" I love you too connor".

   They both fell asleep soon after  (f/n) on his chest, Connor with his arms around her.


Assassin's creed 3: of love and lust (lemon) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now