Isabelle gets a shock

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After what felt like ages of traveling, we made it to the town hall. "Hi Kevin. Is there something I can help you with today?" Isabelle said cheerfully when she saw him walk in. "Thanks Isabelle, but there's someone who needs your help more than me." he said, placing me on the counter. "Oh, Mayor Trinity?! Is that really you?!" Isabelle said, completely shocked to see me like this. "Unfortunately, yes." I said sighing. "This is awful! How can I help you?" Isabelle said worriedly. I shrugged, not sure how to go on. Isabelle decided that she had to do something, and called all the villagers to the town hall. Ribbot and Sly had the same initial reaction to seeing me so tiny as Kevin did. Poppy and Ava both said "Oh no! I was wondering who that was. It's you, isn't it, Trinity?" I nodded gravely. Vic said he was impressed that I am surviving, which aggravated me for reasons I didn't know. Kyle and Hippeux both got very worried about me, understandably. Come to think of it, I was pretty worried myself. Canberra yelled "Who did this to you?! Just lemme at 'em!" When my ears stopped ringing, I said "That's just it. I don't know why I shrunk. I just had some coffee, and afterwards I felt like I was burning up.  I hurried home and got some rest on one of my lab benches. When I woke up I was tiny. I'm pretty sure Brewster wouldn't do this to me, he's always been so nice! Maybe someone put something in my coffee." Isabelle immediately said "Say no more! I will run some tests on that cup of coffee to see if it was the source of your small problem." With that, she sped off. When she returned, she said there wasn't anything unusual added to the coffee, and asked if there was something off about the lab bench I slept on. I shook my head, as it was the same kind I always slept on. Isabelle looked at me in shock. "They say nothing happens without reason, but there is no logical explanation for this. Maybe it just happened. If that's the case, there is most likely no cure for your condition." she said while shaking in fear. "Oh Arceus, what should we do?!" I said, beginning to panic. Poppy said "Um, I hope this isn't presumptuous, but I think you could use a stepstool." pulling out a furniture leaf. "Thanks Poppy, but I don't think I'll be able to fit that in my pockets." I said. Kevin spoke up with an idea. "If you need help, I can stay at your house and take care of you!" He said beaming. "Thanks Kevin, that's a great idea!" I said, cheering up a good bit. With that, Kevin picked me up and carried me home.

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