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"Matt? What are you doing?" He froze and looked around at me. "I eh. Was looking at that email you were sent." He stuttered. He stood up and tried to walk out as I closed the door. "Matt. I don't mind you doing things to protect me. But you're clearly lying. So what were you doing on my computer." He stayed silent. "So matt you would like me just to walk into your office and look through your computer. I locked it how did you get in. I had trust in you. You were my friend. GET OUT!" I opened my door and slammed it behind home. Locking it and closing my blinds. I needed peace and serinity.
I heard knocking but I blanked it. I played music through my headphones and wrote. Music. Stories. The things that annoyed me.
Just life. I didn't deserve it. Everyone had a view on me and only 2 people accepted that. Connor sometimes and Paul. But I shit them both out. I shut them all out. I didn't even deserve the chair I was on or the computer I was working on. Pen paper. That's all I deserve. Maybe a plastic chair too. I crawled off of my chair and sat under my desk on the floor. I took my headphones out aswell I didn't deserve them. "Sam!" Someone called out. Paul. "Sam. You can't hide in there forever. Matts left it's just you and me. Connor said he'd give you space. He's messed up. Just let me in so we can talk." I crawled over and unlocked the door. Crawling back to my place under the desk as Paul walked in. He looked around before noticing me emotionless on the floor. He walked over to me and kissed me before putting his arms around me. I leaned into him. Cuddling him. Resting. Trying to live longer. "Why do I deserve life?" I asked. He looked at me shocked. "Your not thinking of ending it are you." I shrugged my shoulders. "You deserve a life because your amazing, talented, awesome. Your my soulmate. I love you and there's no way I could deal with losing you. You are my and Connors life blood." He said as Connor walked in and sat next to me. They were both hugging me. I kissed Connor on the cheek before lying back into Paul. Still under my desk. "Right shall we get you home. Paul you staying." Connor asked. Paul nodded and I smiled.

*Night Time*

Although I was sleeping on the couch it was very comfortable and putting 2 together basically made a double bed. "Paul. I'm sorry for worrying you." He looked up at me smiling and pulling the covers on top of us and me digging my head into his cold bare stomach. "I love you." Paul said. Looking down at me. "I love you too." I said going into a short yet passionate kiss. "You guys want. Ahh. My eyes!" Connor walked in while we were kissing. "Awwkkkwaaarrrddd." Paul joked. I hit his stomach while Connor laughed. "We really need to get you a room sorted sam. And Paul I guess. We can't have you sleeping on the floor everyday or the couch. Well go to Ikea at the weekend. Me and Paul can build your stuff." Connor said sitting in the chair next to us. We both sat up and listened. "We'll get you your own king bed and desk and tv. Well put it all in the spare room I emptied that to turn it into my home office. But I like the company from both of you so you can both stay." I gleaned at his comment thinking of what he said before about Paul. "Right I'll leave you in peace." Connor stood up. "Dude you can stay for as long as you want." Paul grabbed his arm and sat him down. I walked out the room. I knew they were going to be talking about me. I walked into Connors room and sat down. I sat a played on my phone. Enjoying myself watching videos until it popped up. 'Im sorry for earlier. Can we talk tomorrow.' It was Matt. Great. He was the one person I wanted to talk too. "Sam. We're ordering in pizza. Do you want to come through and watch a movie with us." I nodded and walked into Paul's arms. "Everything all right sam?" I noddedand we walked through to see Connor put on the nut job. "Were watching a film about my brother. Yay!" I exclaimed jumping on the sofa. He turned around and picked me up and tickled me. I laughed and Paul was dying on the floor. Crying with laughter. Somehow Connor had lightened up this month. Thank god. Connor got off of me and we all laid down. Connor on my right with his arm around me and Paul with his head on my stomach. We were so comfortable it was a good movie. Not bad not good. But it was all right. As soon as it finished Connor left and me and Paul snuggled into each other again. A comfortable sleep again. But I would have to talk to him again

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