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*Pauls POV*

I woke to her wriggling pushing someone away nearly screaming matt. Matt. Get away.
She jumped up nearly catching my face panting. Panting. Omg omg. All she repeated she was scared I don't know what happened. She jumped off the couch and ran out the door. Connor still sleeping I ran to his room and shook him awake. By the time we found her. It was too.
Late. She was gone. She had gone back to where she went before.
Me and Connor were never the same. Closer.
But apart. Sad and depressed we resigned from the company. Connor never smiled even though I tried to cheer him up.
3 weeks later we had her funeral a sad affair for a great person. That was the first time I saw the guys from the office. I went back to work and Connor tried to. But fell into a depressed stage. He couldn't comprehend having no family. He moved away and out of the country last week. He's not contacted me but I know he's alive. He's living with friends in Ireland. I hope they make him happy if anything can.

A/n sorry this ended on a sad and depressed note. And for the long wait for an update. School has made me very busy so I can't do things as I'm exhausted. Sorry it's over I've loved this book. Thank you for the support on everything I've done. I really do appreciate it.

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