Story 1: The wrong batch. (part one)

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He chuckled loudly.
"Finally, my formula is complete! All I need to do is put it into this box... NOOOOO! It's fallen down the drain, my years of research and development. No!" The professor cried, but what he didn't realise is that this formula was alive and kicking.

Aaron was a humble kid, he had good grades and a girlfriend, called Bailey, who was with him for about 3 years by now. They hung out with Darren, Aaron's friend and Byron, the brains of the group.
"Did you hear the news?" Byron asked.
"About that nuts professor in our town who lost a 'secret formula' yeah, its insane really." Darren was confused. School was vasting its end and they went and did what they did every Friday. They went home via the forest, which also had the drain pipe of the town. Aaron had to help Bailey with climbing over logs and small planks of wood, then they saw the professor near the drain pipe.
"Drats! The formula has evolved, into a living formula, if I liquidise it, I could sell it as Jelly, the Jelly that creates more of itself, GENIUS!" The professor boasted.
Darren accidentally snapped a twig.
"Hey you kids!" The Professor yelled as he chased after them.
Aaron decided to pick up Bailey and Byron and Darren picked up every bit of wood they could to help them slip away from the professor, jelly in tow.

They managed to escape, but that was a close call. Bailey felt scared.
"What was that? It seemed more than just jelly that duplicates its mass!" Byron declared.
"Whatever it is, we need to investigate. I guarantee that he will unleash it soon." Aaron decided to leave and investigage solo.

He told them he would go home and that he did, only to grab his phone and a notebook so he could analyse. He walked then discovered thw forest was bordered off, with a sign. 'Currently under investigation from... Algor laboratories.' Aaron decided to break the sign and continued to investigate. There he was the professor but who was that he had? Was it Bailey? Aaron couldn't tell until he heard the girl talking.
"Leave me alone! Aaron will kill you when he finds out!" Bailey yelled.

That was it Aaron rushed in only to be stopped by scientists working for professor Algor.
"Bailey! Let her go, professor idiot, whatever you're doing just stop!" Aaron felt weak.
"I will do nothing, just testing out my batch of jelly, you see. She didn't seem keen so I tried to persuade her and then it all got out of hand, but I could let her go... if I was nice! Look, this charade is terrible." Professor Algor force fed Bailey the jelly. "This jelly contains something nasty, it evolved using bacteria and now has a nasty side effect, so I'll leave you with her, whatever happens... happens!" The Professor tossed Bailey aside and the professors let Aaron go. Aaron looked in horror as Bailey looked worse for wear.

"Aaron... what's happening to me?" Bailey asked, unsure of herself.
"I... don't... know." Aaron yelled holding back the tears.

Aaron rushed Bailey to hospital to check what happened.
"Doc, what's happening to her?" Aaron fearfully asked.
"It appears... that jelly serum she intook contained a powerful neurotoxin, so powerful it will take over her brain... I hope it doesn't realise it and she could maybe live her life." The doctor sadly diagnosed.
"Doc... the jelly it was forced fed by professor Algor and... why have you got his lab coat on?" Aaron looked in horror as the whole building was sponsored by him.

Aaron grabbed Bailey and ran. He feared for his life and decided to go back home, explain the situation and then look for a cure. When he got there he noticed a strange box and a note. It read:
Hello, Aaron.
If you are reading this it means you have notoced my latest product, the second your fingers touch a certain spot of the note and they will, it will combust meaning no one will believe you about Algor Laboratories Mello-Jello.
Sorry about Bailey, she is merely a pawn in my trap!
From Professor Algor.

It was a shock, Aaron called Byron and Darren round. Bailey confined to Aaron's bed, they realised he wasn't faking.
"So we need to stay here?" Darren asked.
"I want to go with you, Aaron, my family seem to be almost hypnotised by the advert. I'll try something... sneaking into Algor Laboratories, seeing what's going on and filming it, then we'll have evidence, and I'll hope you can cure Bailey before it gets worse." Byron had a plan. Aaron agreed with said plan and they were ready.

Aaron ventured once again into the woods. He noticed the drain pipe, he grabbed his torch and investigated. He saw quite some disturbing things, but then he saw what looked like living organisms. He checked them, they seemed to turn stuff into jelly.
'So that was your formula' Aaron thought to himself. Suddenly, he heard a loud banging from the entrance of the drain pipe.
"Someone's coming, best make use of this oddly convenient curve in the pipe." Aaron muttered to himself. 

Sure enough it was a doctor, being forced to pick up these specimen.
"Why do I have to do this? Why did I even give the blueprints? I feel bad for that girl." The doctor sobbed quietly.
"Excuse me?" Aaron treaded with caution, his shoes becoming jelly with each step.
"What? Come to make more demands from Algor!" The doctor sulked.
"No! That girl is the love of my life, you want out, I need the cure, help me and I promise you'll be free." Aaron bartered
"It's very dangerous, you could get infec- sorry we could get infected looking for the cure, for that we need to go to the bowels of the pipe. I'll explain as we get there!" The doctor warned.
"For Bailey... anything!" Aaron told the doctor.

Meanwhile, Byron had just arrived at Algor Laboratories. He rung Darren to make sure everything was okay.
"Darren! Everything ok?" Byron asked.
"Sort... of, Bailey has been trying to get me to eat jelly, Byron. Help! Get Aaron! Only he can help me! Byron! Aaron!" Darren's phone sharply hung up. Of course, Byron was worried about his friend but finding a cure was better. Byron snuck in. Being a tech nerd he made a fake ID on the way. He was 'Tye Zayn' and he worked on the new 'Mello-Jello' project. He showed his ID, much to surprise it cleared all checks and he went on in.

He saw a vast amount of doctors trying the organisms on frying pans and ice cubes. He asked about the cure section. Much to his surprise there was a cure. Only problem there was a code. He noticed a computer and immediately searched up Algor Laboratories. It was opened in 1999. It couldn't be that simple then realised they only did 3 major things. Sponsored the hospital in 2002. Imvented the A-Phone in 2007. And now Mello-Jello in 2017. Byron wormed out the code.
'1007' rung in Byron's mind as the cure came to him. He had a plan.
"Attention fellow workers. This cure is wrong, thus I am scrapping it!" Byron yelled, but no one even looked at him. Then the cleaner came and bumped into Byron smashing the cure into the ground.
"Bravo! You are now employee of the year! He smashed the cure, Tye Zayn? Hold on a minute, it's that cyber-nerd Byron! Grab him!" Byron's efforts were a bust. All he did was press a button and Aaron got a distress message.

"Byron! We have to help him!" Aaron was scared, he couldn't get a hold of Darren even though he had strangely, full bars.

Little did he know at his house, Darren was struggling to stop Bailey. He was locked in the bathroom planning an escape route.
"Bailey please!" Darren begged.
"Stop it, Darren, it's just jelly!" Bailey just dropped the spoon and the jelly moved on it's own. Darren felt sick and threw up on the jelly, it stopped moving, but the organism was still breathing. He washed it with water and it died. He tried to ring up Byron but no luck. Darren realised it wasn't his stomach acid, it was something he ate, a combination of his meals. He rushed down into the kitchen, which was weird. Aaron's family were got.
"Hello Darren. Come eat!" There was no escape each step someone prepared something to stop him moving. Then he was confined to the chair.
"One last thing, why use humans?" Darren asked.
"Because we feed on the one thing you humans have and no one else does, understanding of language. No animal can, you humans don't turn everything into jelly. So we need them and now we have our queen! Perhaps we have a king? The court of MackleWorm, Darren Ormsby, you are now the king of the MackleWorms!" And with that, Darren was lost.

Byronica Chronica (A.K.A The Byronite Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now