snippet story: A Professor of Death

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Before I start, Snippet Story means a few paragraphs and it will end in a cliffhanger.

Hugo Desre was scared. He checked his surroundings and knew he was as alive as he was dead. He felt a cold hand grab him on his shoulder and pull him back into the room he desperately tried to escape. Each breath he took, was longer and longer until he didn't know if he passed out from hyperventilating or the trauma of what was yet to come.

When he awoke, he was strapped to a chair, his hands turning purple at the tightness of the reigns. Hugo struggled until his hands had turned numb. He knew in the next room, he was lurking, just waiting to do what he did before of ruining the freedom Hugo once had. Every so often you would hear a faint chuckle as the man laughed at the horrors of what he had done. Hugo knew this time that escape was impossible, nothing could stop this man from murdering of torturing him, except for Hugo. All he had to do, was find a way to escape. Hugo surveyed his surroundings. Hugo was always a geek first and foremost with his love of video games, scouting for clues wouldn't be a bad idea. But it was, the man had left nothing to chance and so left Hugo in the middle of a room with no elevated floors and nice laminated flooring.
'If I escape, I would be free and then... just maybe... I could see my family again.' Hugo's mind rang. It was two weeks since he even thought about his family. They had gotten into a huge fight which resulted in Hugo leaving, then alone he was left to fend for himself, before the man came, they say he does things, nothing bad, but they never feel the same. Hugo decided to try and bring life into his numb, dead hands, he had wondered why they were purple, but then suddenly the reigns snapped when he moved his hands. Hugo was free.
'Is this room smaller than before?' Hugo thought as his head had hit the ceiling. Hugo, with fear taking over, pulled back his t-shirt sleeve, to reveal a giant arm before him.

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