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You know that feeling when someone's eyes are on you - watching you, studying your every movement,your breathing? And how it gives you this whole new awareness of how much effort it takes to just stand there like a normal person? Well that's basically how I'd felt for the past three months. Like I was being watched. Stalked. . . By my own parents. Even at a gas station in the middle of no where,Pennsylvania, Mom hovered about three feet away from me,her eyes constantly darting in my direction,as if at any second I might decide to run for the hills. But every time I glanced  up, she whipped her gaze to something els- a can of spam a magazine about crocheting ,a package of tropical fruit-flavored candies. It was almost like a game. Could I catch her? TAG I GOT YOU YOUR IT! I never got her. But I still knew she was looking. A sinking, suffocating feeling came over my chest. They were never going to trust me again. I hunched over my phone and typed "SAVE ME", then held my breath as the "sending" bar made an agonizing crawl across the top of the screen. Finally, the text went through, and a few seconds later, my best friend Nicks reply popped up :( A clown-hat sad face. The saddest kind of sad you could ever receive. As we finally settled in to our house I heard a thumping noise through the old jagged dusty crusty walls. As I was done unpacking I had gone up to the third floor of the house and took a look around. Everything was so nasty there was writing all over the walls saying "this is hell please leave" I suddenly get these unexpected goosebumps and chills running through the blood of my vanes. I noticed that there were several rooms with beds and chains hooked to the beds like it was some kind of jail almost like the death seat. After I looked around I looked to my left and saw a girl in an old fashioned white gown dress just sitting in the hall way. I asked her who she was she said her name was Delila, that's when I heard in a mumble under her breath say"I have more friends". After she told me she asked me if I wanted to see I said sure. She took me to the 2nd floor and opened the door to the right. Right as she opened the door I immediately got huge cold chills. She stopped and said these are my friends I looked and screamed. Delila had pushed me into the scary room full of girls and said " you have to help us they took our souls and stuffed them in a box hidden in the walls of hysterias hall way on the 5th floor:( They said if I found the souls of their lifeless body's they would be set free. So after talking to them I ventured off to look for their souls on the 5th floor, I had checked every nook and crany and had found nothing but a pile of dust and a spider web. I had gone back to tell the girls the news that I hadn't found the box. After I told the girls the little one said "look in room 666" so I went back to find the box and there was blood every where. Just as I turned my head I saw Delila standing in the hallway. I had asked her where to look she said " look under the red rug" as I lifted the rug a spider had crawled up my arm I jumped:). After moving the rug there was nothing to be found. I asked her where els I should look she said "look in the closet  behind the picture frames. After moving the picture frames I found a small door and had opened it, Delila asked if I found the box I asked her if it was a tinted brown color she said that's it. As  I went to hand her the box she said "you are the person to open it you must" I asked her why me? She said " if you are the finder of the box you open the box " I had quickly opened it and saw a small paper and 12 hearts for each of the girls.  Delila had told me to read what's on the paper so I did it had said " let all souls shall be set free" I had said the words 3 times then something strange happened. Delila had sprinted back to her room and I went  chasing after her in a quick scurry. I had opened the door to her room and they were all gone. I called Delila's  name there was no answer. I suddenly heard a voice say" thank you " then I knew they were all free. I was happy and Delila and her friends were happy. Till this day I remember the dead girls of hysteria halls.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2017 ⏰

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