Anorexia, save me: The Interview

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Q:What does food do?

A: it provides energy so we don't feel tired or exhausted, and are able to make it through a day more mentally and physically stable.

Q: it also makes us gain weight correct?

A: oh no... Of course not. It takes 3000 UNUSED calories for someone to gain a single pound. To have 3000 calories you didn't burn while functioning is nearly impossible. It takes the average teen female 1200 calories JUST for her essential organs (heart, lungs, kidneys, etc) to function. You don't need to be doing any actual exercises or sports to burn calories either, you burn thousands doing ANYTHING, even just sitting down or typing on the computer burns calories. Because of how many calories you burn in a day, it makes it very hard to actually gain weight throughout a day, unless its literally all you do, or your eating insane amounts (example: 10 tacos for lunch, 5 pieces of frenctoast for breakfast, constant snacking on chips or chocolate and cheese, that kind of thing, not individually all together)

Q: Wow, so you do need thousands of calories to just function properly?

A: um... Ya obviously. How else would it work?

Q:if you ended up not getting enough food, or any at all, what happens?

A: it results in weight loss because your body will start eating its own muscles so it doesn't die.

Q: wait muscles not fat?

A: yes, normally your body goes straight to eating the muscles off your body, it does eat the fat too though. But in both cases you could easily end up very unhealthy, fat exists on your body for a reason too you know, it wouldn't be there otherwise.

Q: what reasons? And what would happen if it wasn't there?

A: fat keeps you warm, in many cases of someone not having enough fat they end up with circulation problems, and being very cold, resulting in arthritis even in young people. Your fat also stops your organs from collapsing. If you had no fat or not enough your organs will fall in and fail because they aren't being supported, and aren't healthy.

Q: so if someone was to not eat at all, or in tiny amounts, they risk this?

A: yes of course, but the risks also go much further. Not getting proper nutrients and meals, your body will eat itself, like I already mentioned muscles, your heart and tongue are both muscles, not eating will cause heart failure, and many other problems. Your hair also needs food nutrients, without them it dies, and you end up with thin, yellow hair, and ALOT of it falls out. Not eating results in lack of moisture and water, so your skin dries up too, in huge chunks, bloody chunks too, on your face, chest, all over your body. Your bones become brittle and easily breakable. And of course you become tired... There's much more as well. That's why you need to eat, it's just not good!

Q: people often ignore health problems, and just want to look 'good'

A: alright, look at Marylin Monroe, gorgeous, sexy, amazing, she was a size 8 or maybe larger actually, and she is a sex icon!! I know many people who honestly completely prefer a full figured, maybe a little big, or really big women, over a dead one or nearly dead one, which often that unhealthy skinny is. Of course, a good person you actually want to impress doesn't care much about your weight anyway. Anyone you want in your life isn't going to be a judemental swine who likes you just for your weight.

Q: so how should someone stop worrying about such terrible standards?

A: it's ALOT of work, they need to talk to someone, start admiring people who are bigger then them maybe, and realizing that they are beautiful too. Realizing this and getting help, often will improve their own view, because otherwise they just keep thinking 'skinnier, skinnier' when they just need to learn to accept themselves. Get help, it leads to TERRIBLE things if you don't.


So my point is : eat

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2014 ⏰

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