Why me?

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Parkers pov- 

why did this have to happen to me? why did i say yes to go to this concert? oh yeah i know why becasue i'm a  idiot! i knew when demi sent maddie away to learn guitar and she asked me to stay something was wrong. Then she said the one sentence know one wants to hear... 'we need to talk'. when she said that i knew i was in some deep shit. i went over all the things that maybe she wanted to talk about in my head, maybe she say my cuts or maybe she just wants to get to know me? yeah right your a piece of shit why would anyone care enough to get to know you? what did i get myself into?

Demis pov-

ok here we go demi you can do this just try to get her to open upto you. it shouldnt be that hard your lovatics open up to you all the time. holy shit im scared to talk to her this has never happened before, maybe becasue she remindes me so much of maddie and i wouldnt/ couldnt picture my baby girl doing the things that i did to myself. ok here goes nothing.........

so parker how did you like the concert? 

parker- is was so good, you really are a amzaing singer!

Demi- awww thank you! wow this is going no where

parker- what is goign no where?

Demi- shit did i say that aloud?

parker- yeah you did. is there something on your mind demi?

demi- umm you could say that.......

parker- well then spit it out i dont have all day!!

demi- wellisawsomethignonyourwriatwheniwasonstageandireallydonteantittobetruebutdoyouselfharmandicanthelpbutnoticehowtinyyiuareadnwellyeah..........

parker- demi you really need to breathe in between your words. ok now start from the begininning.

Demi- ok well when i was on stage i saw somethimg on your wrist and well it looked like mayeb cuts from self harming and i just wanted you to know that you can tell me if you are going through something .oh also you are so tiny for you age i was just woundering if you could possiable have a eating disorder?

Parker- ummm frist of all i dont have a eating disorder im just small fro my age ad second i would never cut myself!! 

Demi- oh really then you wouldnt mind if i checked your wrists?

Parker- yes i would mind! ever heard of pravicy?/??? also if i did self harm and have a eating disorder don't you think that maddie would know? i mean she saw you go through thoses things? 

Demi- ok im sorry i jumped to conclusions and i shouldnt have. listen im goign give you my phone nmber and if you ever need to talk to someone give me a call. 

parker- ok and i will! i'm goignto find maddie now it was really nice meeting and talking to you demi! 

demi- yeah you to Parker! please call me if you need anything!

Parkers pov- wow i didnt know how good of a liar i was untill now. now i just need to find maddie and get the hell away from this place and demi she can't find out about my issuies. i was looking for maddie everywhere and i finally found her with mike, wow she was really good at playing the guitar! when she saw me she put the guitar down and asked me if i wanted to go back home. i told her yes and we started to walkout of the concert vut first she had to say goodbye to demi.

Demis pov- i really didnt know if i believe parker or not but why would she have a reason to lie and she is right her adn maddie are best maddie would habe had to notice if something was worng. right? iwas interrupted by someone knocking at my dressing room door. when i opened if it i saw my baby girl standing there. i was so sad that wouldnt get to see her that much becasue she is going back to texas for a little and im going to L.A. for work but i had some good news  mom was lettign maddie and one of her friends stay with me for a month or two!

Demi- hey mads guess what mom said hat you and one friedns can stay with me for a month or two in L.A.!

Maddie- OMG ARE YOU SEROUIS????? OH MY GOD YESS!!!!!! IM SO HAPPY!!! as i start to dance around the room. oh and i want parker to be my one friend!!

Demi- i was hoping you would say that becasue i already called parkers parents and they said they are totally ok with parker staying with me!!!!! and this way i can keep an eye on her and see if shes hiding something.

Maddie- oh my god yes im so excited! its going to be like one big sleepover everynght!!!! i have to go tell parker!! i love you dems! see you soon! 

Parkers pov- i was walking down the hall way when i heard someone screaming my name. i turned around and saw maddie running towards me. she almost tackled me to the ground and she started screaming soemthing that i couldnt understande a damm thing. maddie breath now slow down and speak.


Parker- yeah right. my parents would never let me and who said i would want to live with you?

Maddie- we already called your parents and they are ok with it and come on you alway said you wanted sisters, now you got two for a couple of months!

Parkers- theres no way im gettingou tof this is there?

Maddie- noppppe!!!!

Parker-ok fine lets go pack. what the fuck did i just get my self into i said to my self as maddie and i started walk towards the car?


hey guys its maddy sorry i didnt upload for a long time but im back now so tell em what your think and please give me any ideas that you want in the story. oh sorry for any misspellings i wrote this really quickly and late at night but here it is any ways!!!!!! OH AND GUYS DONT FORGET TO VOTE!!! IF I GET 20 VOTES I WILL UPDATE BY THE END OF THE WEEK!!!! SO VOTE!!



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