Chapter One

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The gentle scent of blossoms and clear crisp air woke Violet from her slumber beneath the largest tree in the centre if the royal gardens. She groaned and turned her head, remembering she had fallen asleep with her head on her best friend and partners knee.
"Did you sleep well?" she asked with a hint of amusement.
"I suppose," Violet replied, sitting up and yawning.

She looked to her partner, the one person she was sure she would love for the rest of her days, and smiled softly. Her girlfriend, Ivy, had shoulder length dark hair and warm pale brown eyes. Like Violet, Ivy had a fair complexion and oval shaped face, with a sharp nose and full pale pink lips.
"You sound amused, but you look a bit disgruntled. What's on your mind?" Violet asked.
Ivy's lips curved into a small smile, "you always know when something is bothering me."
"Of course I do; we grew up together, and the two of us are closer than most others." Violet stretched her arms above her head, "so, what's on your mind?"
"It's nothing you need to worry about. I'm just being moody." Ivy said softly.
Violet tucked some hair behind Ivy's ear, "well, if you say so." She murmured.

She stood and looked up at the clear blue sky for a brief moment before looking back to Ivy, "I think mother and father are back. I can sense their aura, so I'm going to go greet them. Will you join me?"
Ivy stood as well and brushed off her navy blue skirt, "of course I will." She smiled stiffly.
Violet watched her for a minute, confused by her stiff actions. Immediately she wondered what Ivy was hiding from her, and decided she'd have to talk about it with her later in the privacy of their room.
"Alright, lets go."

The pair made their way along one of the many stone paths in the gardens and up to the castle, entering the large halls and turning down one of the many winding corridors. Violet acknowledged several of the castle workers, smiling and thanking them for their hard work as she passed.
Hanging on the walls were intricate paintings and carefully thought out tapestries, adding some warmth to the cold halls.

Ivy remained silent as they walked, and came to a halt when Violet pushed open the doors to the throne room.
Inside stood the king and queen, both equally as graceful as each other, who were talking with one of their advisors.
The king was tall and gruff looking, with a large scar down the right side of his face from one of his many battles. Like Violet, his unkempt hair was a rich shade of chocolate though his eyes were pale blue compared to her gentle hazel.
He immediately turned and smiled upon seeing his only daughter, walking over with outstretched arms and interrupting the conversation he was having with his wife and advisor.
"Violet!" he grinned as he embraced his daughter warmly. He pulled back and Violet smiled cheerfully. "How have you been doing, watching the kingdom on your own?"
"I wasn't on my own-Ihad Ivy with me for support and Adrien to advise me." Violet answered honestly.
The king lifted his eyes to Ivy and smiled, pulling her into a warm hug as well before parting from both of the girls. "Well, i'm glad to hear it."
"And how did your trip go?" Violet asked.
His face suddenly became very serious. "Things are getting worse. The rebels have overtaken another village, and more civil wars are breaking out across the country."
Violet frowned, "can we not do anything to calm them? Nothing peaceful?"
"No. It's looking more and more like we'll have to send royal enforcements out to stop this farce."

Violet looked to Ivy who gave her a worried look, and then back to her father. She couldn't find the words to express how she felt, and she couldn't begin to understand how her father was feeling.
Her father, who preferred to exhaust all options before turning to the harsher means.
Her mother appeared at his side, looking tired from travel. She gave Violet a comforting smile, "not all hope is lost, Violet."
Violet didn't feel the same. If her father was considering sending in the royal guard, then things were truly terrible. Many would die in this fight, and there wasn't much she could do to stop it.
Ivy placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and she looked up, meeting Ivy's eyes. "Thing's will be ok." Ivy murmured.
Violet took her hand and held it, trying to believe her words.
"We have some things we need to take care of, so keep yourselves occupied until dinner." Her father spoke. "We'll discuss this more in the future."
Violet nodded and watched as her parents left the throne room with Adrien, leaving her alone with Ivy.

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