Chapter 1

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Dipper's P.O.V

Me and Mabel were sitting on the  couch watching the news with our "Great Uncle" Stan. Some thing popped up onto the screen saying that Bill had retured to Gravity Falls, Oregon. 

" So he's back what are we going to do?" Mabel asked.

" I don't know but we can't let Bill hurt anyone." I said getting up to go get the journals. 

" Is that even possible for us to get rid of him before someone gets hurt?" Stan looked at me. 

"Heh! heh! heh! Don't worry Pines you'll be dead soon anyways." I quickly turned around to see Bill standing I mean floating there.

Suddenly Stan disappeared. I didn't even think for a second grabbed the journals and Mabel's
hand. I just ran and ran without stopping. I saw a blue glowy thing in the distance. As we got closer I saw a portal of some kind. 

" No where to run now Pine twins!" Bill chuckled. 

"What do you want Bill!" I yelled.

"Your soul that's all." He smiled. 

"Never!" I yelled backing up into the portal.

Happy's P.O.V

I laughed at Lucy as she fell off the bench on to the floor. 

"Lucy are you okay? Are you hurt?" Wendy ran up to her. 

"Natsu you could of hurt her!" Grey yelled. 

"She fell off a bench Ice princess." Natsu shrugged. 

"Flame brain!" Grey yelled back. 

"Stripper!" Natsu giggled. 

"Are you fighting again?" Erza stood up. 

"Nope right besty?" Grey swung an arm on Natsu. 

"Aye!" Natsu said stealing my line again. 

"Lucy are you all right?" Erza turning her attention to Lucy. 

"Yeah I'm fine just fell off the bench." Lucy smiled. 

"Happy you should say your sorry cause she is your friend to." Carla looked at me. 

"Yes mam! I'm sorry Lucy for laughing at you instead of helping you." I said hugging her. 

"It's okay Happy I'm not mad at you. Here I feel better when you smile." Lucy said handing me a fish.😍 

"Thank you so much Lucy!" I said starting to chomp on the jucy, meaty, mouth watering fish. 

"Your welcome!" Lucy smiled at me.

I went over to the Quest Bored with Natsu. 

"Hmm. Some guy with some questions. Wait we can get 30,000 jewel from this! Awsome!" Natsu took the paper off and showed it to Lucy. 

"Lucy look what we found!" I cheered. 

"So we're going without Grey and Erza?" She asked. 

"Yeah I guess. Grey! Erza! Wendy! You guys okay with us doing this job?" Natsu asked. 

They all said "Yep!"

Time skip (Sorry I'm Lazy)

"That was a lot of questions." Lucy rubbed her eyes. 

"Yeah but they were mostly about monsters and demons." Natsu wined. 

"Hey Natsu is it normal to see a portal looking thingy in the sky?" I said pointing to it. 

"There's something coming out of it!" Lucy yelled. 

"It looks like people!" I yelled. "Natsu catch them!" Lucy yelled. 

"Got it!" Natsu jumped and caught the people before they got the ground.

Well that was fun wait till you see the next chapter!

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