// three //

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Nara's P.O.V

I woke up and found myself in the Emergency Section at the hospital.

and Chanyeol sleeping beside me.

His soft brown hair contrasted perfectly against his skin

When suddenly, he woke up...

"Nara! You're awake!Are you feeling alright? "he asked

I didn't reply.

The whole room was quiet.

and that made everything even more awkward.

Chanyeol's P.O.V

"Nara! You're awake! Are you feeling alright?"I asked

She didn't reply.

The whole room was quiet.

All that was heard was footsteps rushing here and there.

"Umm...I'll go get the doctor..."

//half an hour later//

"She can go"replied the nurse.

I went back to the bed and saw Nara

gathering her belongings and trying to stand up.

I quickly rushed over to give her a helping hand.

Nara:"Let Go.Get Away from me."

Chanyeol:"Nara, You know I hate it when you ignore me like that...Please let me explain..."

She glared at me once more.

I knew what she wanted.

I immediately let go of her hand and backed off...

Nara's P.O.V

His eyes were teary, He's hurting inside...but why?Wasn't he the one who initiated the breakup?


His face brightened up when he heard me calling his name.

"Let's Break Up Now"

I could feel his heart shattering.

But so was mine.i couldn't bear to leave this beautiful giant.You might say I'm crazy enough to leave this perfect man.

Chanyeol:"Nara, Let me explain please.I wasn't what it looked, I swear."

"Enough said,Let's just part here." I said as I turned my back against him

"I GOT YOU A DRESS!"he yelled.


He was fuming mad.He practically turned into a beast.


My eyes were filling up with tears that stinged like crazy.I turned my back towards him and walked away...

Suddenly he grabbed my arm and placed his other hand around my waist before he pulled me into a back hug.

"No.Please, I'm Sorry...Don't Leave..."He sobbed.

Nara:"Let Go."

His grip tighten around my waist

and he whispered into my ear

"Don't Go...I love you and I need you"

Before I could reply, he twirled me around

and his lips crashed into mine.

A kiss in the hospital, something nobody expected eh XD

He broke the kiss and looked into my eyes

His hazel brown eyes stared right into mine

That never failed to attract any girl

"Let me explain okay?"his eyes were all teary.

His lips parted slightly, making it so irresistible. Park Chan Yeol.What are You? How do you make fall me for you every time?

"So basically...I went with Chae Won to get you a dress at the mall and..."

"I believe you.I'm Sorry.I'm sorry for not trusting you."I interrupted.

I pulled him towards me.His chest was just a few centimetres away from me.

I tiptoed and pressed my lips against his.

We shared another kiss.

That kiss seemed like it lasted for years maybe even centuries.

"Oh Nara, When did you become so bold?"he said as he smiled

"Ever Since I Met You."I replied.


Author's Note


Finally Chapter 3 is up!!:)

Had a little bit of a writer's block XD

Uh....So, how do y'all find this chapter?

Pls do tell me kkayy?^^

Vote.Comment.Share, okay?

Thanks For Reading! !

With ♡♡, 57daisies

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