Y/n pov

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"Mmm Joeyyy"

"Say my name"

I walk out of our house in shock.  He's cheating.

I run outside and get in my car, drive off somewhere. 


I'm sitting on the couch eating cereal when I here Joey coming downstairs.

As soon I see him coming down the stairs,  I flashed a look at him then back at my food.

"You're home babe?" Joey's say with worry in his voice.

"Y-yeah. I just got here actually." I  lied.

"You sure? You don't seem fine." He's says with "concern" in his voice.

"My head and S-stomach just hur-.  I really don't feel good." And that was the truth.

"Ok, I'm going upstairs. Good night."
He says,  but quick...

He usually says I love you after

"N-night" I say holding back tears.

Cheater _J.M.B_Where stories live. Discover now