Well! How was my first story? I unfortunately think it's absolutely cheesy. BUT! what the heck. I posted it! 0u0 that looks stupid. OUO ok that's even stupider. Well back to my point! I think I want to add like, two? OC in. So if you want your OC to be in the next chapter err- page comment below! I'll add two more OCs in every chapter. The first two people to comment will be chosen.
Please include the following:
First name and last name ex: [Your name] [Last name]
troll or human
blood color, if you are a troll.
clothing ex: yellow shirt, jean shorts, glasses, and red sneakers
Weapon and/or abilities: ex: double swords, psionics, etc.
personality ex: happy all the time, has a bubbly laugh, kind of like Feferi.
Nerds Can Love Too~ Sollux x Reader
RomansaHuman!Stuck. Your name is [First name last name]. And you are probably the nerdiest student in Alternia High. BUT. There's a certain troll who you think is the King of Nerds, in the best way possible of course. You just so happened to have a little...