My cute liittle flower

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Hello! Welcome back! Sorry for being so late! I just came back from my Spring break! And now I have to deal with a horrible thing call "school". >:(

As you recall, the only things you heard were the faint sounds of crying and yelling. You also heard a loud riiiiing, which you thought would be the bell. You decided you wanted to rest a bit so you, tried you best, to make out the words you were trying to say, which wasn't easy at all.

"" Then everything went blank and silent soon after you closed your eyes.

There was a large amount of candy red blood everywhere, it stained your yellow shirt, which is now red, the grass your hair, everything around you was candy red.

Sollux cut off Eridan's rambling and ran to [Name]. He carefully set her in his lap and moved the hair out of her face. He felt her still breathing, only it was very faint and slow. With tears in his eyes, he smiled slightly and took off his glasses.

"iif only ii 2aw you comiiing.." Yellow tears began to fall on your chest, mixing it with your red blood.

"HeY wHaT aRe YoU aLl MoThErFuCkInG dOiNg DuRiNg ClAsS?" A loud voice growled from actually quite far away.

"X oh no, :t's our pr:nc:pa!. X"

"wwell wwere fucked"

Sollux ignored everyone and just stared at the cold, slowly breathing body on his lap.

"HeY yOu ThReE mOtHeRfUcKeRs!"

"actually theres four a us." Eridan corrected The Grand Highblood, which is the principal of your school. Which was a big mistake.

"WhAt Did YoU MoThErFuCkInG SaY?" The Grand Highblood looked at Eridan with eyes of anger and walked faster towards the four of you. Eridan was, of course, terrified and ran-no dashed to Sollux grabbing Anibus' hand as well.

"sol. fuck everything and RUN." Sollux ignored the seadweller and continued to stare and cry over the body of his soon-to-be lost friend.

"sol. lets GO. get your lazy ass up and lets go. shes probably already dead anywways."

"iim not leaving her. iif 2he2 2tayiing here 2o am ii."

X w-why can't you j-just float her with u-us?" Sollux blankly looked at Anibus and raised a hand, causing [Name] to float in the air.

"iim fuckiing 2tupiid a2 2hiit." Eridan nodded in reply. "wwell to be honest..."

Sollux headed over to the gates, which was the closest way to his hou-err hive.

"HeY yOu OvEr ThErE. WhErE aRe YoU aLl Up AnD mOtHeRfUcKiNg GoInG?" The Grand Highblood was at least 15 feet away. Eridan and Anibus were following close behind, speed walking.

"back home mr. hiighblood!" Sollux yelled out to the Highblood. Eridan and Anibus ran up to Sollux.

"SOL. wwhat the fuck? big guy over theres gettin pretty angry because a you." Grand Highblood was catching up and- "Hey Captor!!" Uh hey I'm trying to write Miss uh.. "Yeah.. Sea you"Sollux, Eridan, Anibus, and [Name] were just a few feet away, so they all decided to make a run for it. Well you of course float for it, I guess. You were all stopped by a flying club that hit the gate.

"Sollux glubbing Captor! Where do you think you're going with a body?!" A voice from, not that far away, called out. Her name is Melfia Prilish, she is a purple blooded friend of young Sollux and is also a seadweller. "Home!!" He replied.

"Hey I'll take care of this guy over here! Sea you later and good luck!" was all she said.


You woke up in an unfamiliar place, in an unfamiliar bed with a pounding headache.

You look around, trying to find your glasses, which was on the nightstand. You happened to notice the scent of... sweet sweet honey, and it lead all the way to a sleeping Sollux at the side of the bed. You get out of bed but sat back down because of the giant pain in your chest, which was bandaged. You got over the pain and walked over to Sollux.

"Alrighty! Here goes nothing!" You picked up Sollux, trying your best not to feel the pain. He wasn't all that heavy, but with your new injuries it made it hard to even lift an arm up. You plop Sollux on the bed and put a blanket on him.

"He must be exhausted, after all the shit happening." You kissed him on the forehead and he smiled and said " No prob my cute liittle flower." You blush at his comment and left the room to get a drink.

Well I apologize or the REALLY SLOW update. But! I have school and such and it keeps me really busy. I also don't have much creativity flowing in my head right now.. So when I update it might not be good or it might be short. My apologies, buddy. :3 Love yall.







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