Chapter 56

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As Loki rode back to the palace he felt himself slipping away from reality. His vision was booming blotchy and he could barely make out his surroundings, he felt numb to the movement of the horse underneath him, he couldn't even feel the wind anymore, he could barely feel or process anything that was going on. 
When loki arrived back at the palace he was dripping with sweat, his face was chalky white, and he was shivering all over, thankfully the palace was full of people and as soon as he was is sight, the guards rushed to his aid. Loki felt the guards pulling him off of Sleipnir, he tried to stand for himself but he couldn't make his legs hold him up, he was dead weight.
"Man..... forest.... I.." he tried to make stabbing motion "his neck..." Loki was panting as he tried to tell them where the attacker was, but the guards didn't care at the moment, They just pulled him inside and had him sit. Loki didn't notice, but one of the guards went to get the healers while the other stayed there to try and keep Loki awake. But loki was feeling worse by the second, he couldn't breath well, he was so hot but freezing at the same time, he wanted to go to sleep but his leg was in so much pain that he couldn't, he was half conscious and felt half dead.
"What happened?" Trinity said as she and a few other healers arrived to get Loki back to the healing room.
"Not sure. He's delirious and can't get out a full sentence" one of the guards said as they put Loki on the bed to bring him to the healing room. But for some reason what the guard said made Loki's mind wake up more.
"No" he breathed "I was- I was attacked. Near the forest. He's- he must still be there, I- I stabbed his neck, send- send someone after him" Loki said, needing to stop and take a breath after every few words. The guards seemed to understand now and they went off to alert the king and Thor of what had happened.
The healers got Loki to the healing room quickly, but he was fading. Trinity tried to keep Loki awake and talking, but in the time it took them to get to the healing room his speech had gone from fragmented sentences to incoherent mumbling. They finally got him to the healing room and were able to start fixing the wound, but he was fading fast.  this made no sense to Trinity, Loki has more tolerance than anyone she knows, she'd seen his wounds and he'd told her stories; laufey made him bleed all the time, Loki was always being stabbed or Bitten or worse. This small knife wound in his leg shouldn't be causing this reaction, it should have barely fazed Loki. Yet he was unconscious, his heart rate was quicker than it should be, he was sweating through his clothes, and his skin was loosing all color. The rest of the healers worked to mend the wound itself, but Trinity was more focused on keeping loki conscious.
"Loki stay awake, listen to me, you'll be okay just keep your eyes open" Trinity said, holding his head in her hands to make him focus on her. but loki couldn't hear her clearly, it sounded like someone speaking through water. His eyes were wandering and starting to close.
"No, no no Loki you can't do that. Keep your eyes open" Trinity said in a more panicked tone, she felt her own heart start to beat faster as Loki's slowed down, she kept telling herself that she wasn't going to loose him, but despite everything the healers were doing, all signs indicated that he was dying. His heart was slowing, he wasn't responding to anything, his face was pale and looked almost lifeless.
"Loki, Loki please. Say something, open your eyes again" Trinity swallowed a lump rising in her throat. Loki's heart was continuing to slow, he wasn't breathing anymore, he was mumbling, he wasn't groaning or moving, he was totally limp. and then the worst thing that could've happened did; the beeping turned to one solid pitch, and Loki's heart stopped completely. Trinity's eyes widened as she was suddenly filled with a surge of dread and denial.
"No, no you don't get to die yet" she told Loki, as if he could hear her. "Wake up!" She shouted angrily at him, ripping open his shirt to try and get his heart going again. "Open your eyes!" She still sounded angry at him as she spread a tab over his chest and activated it. It sent a current of electricity to his heart, but nothing happened, he didn't wake up and his heart didn't start again. The other healers tried to help, but it was so visibly a hopeless cause.
"Trinity, he's not gong to wake up" one of the healers tried to tell her calmly, but Trinity ignored her. There was no way she was going to let Loki die from one knife wound, not after everything he'd lived through.
"Loki, open your eyes. Right now" Trinity ordered again, sending another pulse to Loki's heart. Again, nothing. She kept repeating this; she'd yell commands at Loki and tried to get his heart to start beating again, but it wasn't working, everyone else in the room knew that he was dead, there was nothing to be done, but Trinity refused to accept it. When the electric pulses didn't work she just started pounding on his chest, doing anything she could to get it to beat again, but the horrible sound of the flatline still filled the room, and after several long minutes, she couldn't deny it anymore, she wasn't going to get his heart to beat, all she had accomplished was causing a bruise to appear on Loki's chest above his heart. She couldn't bring him back.
"Trinity..." one of the other healers pulled her away from Loki, Trinity was shaking and trying not to loose control, and a small part of her still didn't believe he was gone.
"He can't be gone" she said, her voice was determined but also broken. "That can't have killed him, he's been dragged through hell, how can one knife wound to the leg just kill him?" She demanded, as if logic could bring him back, and Tears filled her eyes as she realized that he was gone.
"I don't know.. but he's-" she was cut off and everyone in the room jumped to their feet when they heard an impossible sound; they heard Loki take a long sharp gasp for breath. The flatline changed into a rapid beating and Loki was awake, in an intense state of panic.
"Loki-" Trinity and the others rushed around the room and tried to figure out what was going on. He'd been dead for minutes, and now he's very much awake, with a very rapid heart rate.
"Where am I?" Loki said as his eyes darted around the room and he tried to detach himself from everything keeping him monitored.
"It's okay. You're in the healing room. On Asgard. Don't-" Loki ripped off all the tabs on his chest and tried to stand up, he was dizzy and stumbled into things.
"Loki lay back down" Trinity said, trying to push him back onto the table, but he'd gotten a lot stronger since the last time he had this kind of panic, and he wasn't so willing to cooperate. Trinity didn't know why he wasn't remembering her, he was acting like she was a threat, though she figured that dying and coming back to life might have some weird side affects.
"Loki, please, listen to me" she said, but he was still trying to stumbled his way out of the room and continued to struggle against the healers who were trying to get him to lay back down. Trinity grabbed his arm and loki quickly shoved her backwards.
"Loki-" just then Thor came in. One of the healers had sent for him to help, and he came just in time.
"Loki, you need to relax" Thor said, but his presence didn't seem to calm Loki down any, he still fought to leave. Thor grabbed onto Loki from behind and held him tightly so he couldn't move, being much more aggressive than any of the healers.
"Calm down Loki! You're on Asgard, you're safe, we're trying to help you!" He yelled.
"Let me go!" Loki demanded, trying to break away from Thor.
"Loki stop it. Remember me? It's Thor, your brother, and Trinity is your girlfriend, stop and think!" He yelled, shaking Loki very slightly. Loki suddenly stopped fighting, everything fell back into place in his mind, he remembered everything now.
"Thor.. Trinity..." he said, why hadn't he remembered before? He certainly did now, and he wanted nothing more than to lay back down, he felt wobbly and weak.
"I can't stand" he said, and Thor brought him back and set him on the table again. Trinity was hoping to get some answers out of him, but as soon as he laid down, his eyes rolled back in his head and he passed out again, but this time his heart stayed beating.
It was hours before Loki stared to wake up again, when his senses started to return he could feel someone holding his hand and stroking his arm, he could hear a few voices that he recognized as Thor and Frigga, but his eyes wouldn't open. He didn't mind though, he still felt half unconscious, he was still sweating and felt clammy and shivery, and he was so exhausted that being able to lay limp was comfortable. He couldn't make out anyone's words, but After a few minutes his eyes started to open, and he was immediately bombarded with questions

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