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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Fairy Tail. All of the characters in this one shot belongs to Hiro Mashima.

(Video in the media section made by keysflamesstds on youtube.)

Natsu was sitting by the water outside Lucy's house, watching the sunrise. Normally, he would've gone in to her house by now and disturbed her (or just watch as she slept peacefully) in some kind of way, but today was different. Yesterday was different.

Because yesterday, Lucy had gone on a date, and she had been practically shining afterward. It annoyed Natsu, but everyone else were so happy for Lucy, they didn't notice Natsu's drastic change of mood. From happy and playful to jealous and depressed. But he couldn't help it, especially since he didn't even realize he was jealous until he was about to enter her house at four o'clock in the morning. He had now been sitting by the water for one hour and tried to figure out how to tell Lucy that he didn't want her dating anyone without sounding like a complete dick.

Sounds like a plan, right?

But it wasn't. Because there is no way to tell Lucy that he didn't want her dating anyone without confessing his love for her, or sounding like a complete dick.

Do I tell her? he thought. Or will that ruing everything? Will she hate me?

He took a deep breath, and then he walked in to the house and went upstairs to her door. He decided he would watch the girl he loved sleep for a few more hours before he ruined everything.

So when he opened the door and walked in to her bedroom, it was with a smile.

That smile, however, was instantly lost as he saw another guy's arms wrapped around Lucy. His heart skipped a beat, and not in the good kind of way. He suddenly felt the urge to cry, but he forced the sadness into anger. Furious, he kicked the bed incredibly hard, too mad and distracted to feel the pain, which cause the two people in the bed to wake up.

The guy looked utterly confused, and Lucy, being used to Natsu, looked annoyed. "Quiet down, Natsu. We're trying to sleep."

"Sorry," Natsu grumbled, a bit hurt that she didn't even look shocked anymore. She just looked annoyed.

"Uhm..." the guy mumbled. "Who's this?" he asked Lucy as his thumb pointed to Natsu.

"That's Natsu. Don't worry about him, he's just a member of the guild."

She didn't mean it that way, Natsu thought as he looked away, tears already starting to build in his eyes. He felt like a complete girl, but hearing the words "he's just a member of the guild" broke his heart. Was that all he was to Lucy? A member of the guild Fairy Tail. Not even her friend, he thought. She doesn't even consider me a friend.


Later that day when Natsu entered the guild, Lucy was seated in a corner, crying.

He instantly walked up to her, his throat feeling somewhat dry. "L-Luce?"

His respond was a wailing noise before she started bawling again.

"Lucy, what happened?"

"What do you think happened?" she cried. "He left this morning. Said I was a horrible person for cheating on my boyfriend."

He? Natsu thought. That guy? He had left? Wait, boyfriend? "You have a boyfriend?" Natsu exclaimed.

"No, you idiot! He thought you were my boyfriend!"

Natsu almost made the mistake of smiling. For a second he was happy he could be seen as Lucy's boyfriend, but he felt incredibly guilty for being happy about the fact that someone broke Lucy's heart.

Sure, he loves her, but love or not, she's his best friend. He was supposed to comfort her in any kind of way possible, he shouldn't be happy.

"I-I'm sorry Luce," Natsu whispered tenderly. "This is all my fault. If I hadn't come to your appartment, then this would've-"

"Why did you," Lucy interrupted, curious. "Come to my appartment, I mean."

"I-, uh," Natau scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "I wanted to tell you not to see him anymore."

"Why," Lucy looked pained. "I just met the guy, and I was happy! I finally found a way to get over y-" she interrupted herself as she realized what she was about to say.

"Well, I didn't like to see you happy over another guy..." Natsu answered, his voice barely above a whisper.

"What?" Lucy looked him in the eye, trying to see if he was joking, but he wasn't, he was serious and he was blushing. She made the mistake of giggling at the sight, sniffing slightly after all those tears.

Natsu's head snapped in her direction, and then he grinned. She smiled! "C'mon!" The pink-haired boy grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the guild.

"Where are we going?" Lucy asked.

"The field a few minutes away from here. I want to tell you something."

At that, Lucy's curious side was awakened once more. "Ooh," she squealed. "What is it? What is it? What is iiiit?"

"Shush," Natsu laughed. "I won't teeelll," he teased as she groaned.



"Shut up I-"

"We're here!" Natsu exclaimed, interrupting Lucy.

"Nice field," Lucy mumbled. It was just a normal field, but something made it a tad different, although none of them could put their finger on what it was.

"I-I wanted you to stop seeing that guy because I was jealous," Natsu decided to blurt it out all at once so he couldn't give himself the chance to back down.

"J-Jealous?" Lucy blushed furiously, as did Natsu.

He nervously fibbled with his vest. "Yeah. I like you, Lucy. Not as a friend, but I like you like you."

Lucy's chin dropped to the ground as she gaped at him. He liked her? And there she was trying to get over him because she thought he didn't like her that way!

"Oh no," Natsu whispered. "You hate me, don't you?" He buried his face in his hand. "Stupid, stupid, stupid," he mumbled.

Lucy's heart clenched at the sight. "No, Natsu! I like you too," she says.

Natsu's head snaps up in shock. "Really?"

"Really." She giggled.

He laughed, hugged her and spun her around as she screamed and laughed.

They both stopped to look each other in the eyes, and Natsu's gaze flickered to Lucy's lips for a split second. His face got closer and closer, until there lips lightly brushed against each other.

"Na... tsu..." Luce whispered, her eyes sparkling as she looked at him in shock.

"Don't ruin the moment, Luce," he grinned before pressing his lips to hers.


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