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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Fairy Tail. All of the characters in this one shot belongs to Hiro Mashima.

Oh my Jerza. The drama with her and Jellal and enemies and ALL THESE I-WANNA-HOLD-YOUR-HAND MOMENTS.

I just... weekends, right? They kill you. Or well, me anyway. I have too many ships and I'm rambling now. Sooorry!

"Erza?" Jellal asks as they walk hand-in-hand down the streets of Magnolia. They'd been spending the day in town and are currently on their way to the place Jellal has been renting for a while.

She simply hums in reply, and his hold on her hand tightens.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

She looks at him, and there's something new in her eyes that he can't quite put his finger on. It's fierce and frankly quite terrifying, and it makes Jellal want to put his hand over his mouth and never ever remove it.


It's simple. Oh, it's so dangerously simple. Like it wasn't even a hard decision to make. Like speaking to him for too long would kill her, like even looking at him would hurt her eyes.

"W-why?" He does not-can not understand why she would reject him like that. He knows she likes him, he heard her say it that day by the lake, but then why not now? Doesn't she like him enough to be his girlfriend?

Erza's eyes widens and her eyes cast to the ground as she blushes. His eyebrows furrow. Was she not expecting that question?

"Youmhmhmgdd," she murmurs with a few strands of her in her mouth.

"You're gonna have to speak up Scarlet, I can't hear you properly," Jellal snickers despite everything. Erza glares at him but the snickering doesn't stop until she opens her mouth to speak.

"You-mrhmrh-ask-mrthmgdd-ly," her eyes travel to the sky, watching the sunset as she murmurs incoherent words. The sun calms her and she closes her eyes, takes a deep breath and looks into his eyes. "What I was trying to say was-,"

Deep breaths, Erza, you can do this.

"-You didn't ask properly."

"I didn't ask properly?" he echoes, thinking she was still talking too lowly, so he couldn't quite hear her, because she couldn't possibly have said that.

Her voice raises a few octaves. "You did not ask me properly," she states. "Therefore I do not wish to accept the offer of being your girlfriend."

"Erza, do you even hear yourself? That's ridiculous."

"The fact that the only thing I ask of you is to be a little more romantic is ridiculous to you? Jellal, you know me, no I am not your typical lady but I still want the romance and the chocolate and the flowers to be included in this relationship. If you actually expect me to go along with everything you do and say then I don't know what kind of world you're living in."

And with those words, Jellal watches the love of his life walk away, the sunset in front of her making a beautiful yet tragic background, and he has to look away because if he looks at it for too long it seems like the sun itself is scolding him.


"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" he yells, kicks, groans, he whispers and he shouts. The poor guy even punches a wall but nothing can take the pain away. Knowing that he let her go, that he didn't have the guts to run after her, that he couldn't be even slightly romantic. "I screwed up," he says to himself. "But I'm fixing it. I swear I'm going to fix it."


There she is, he thinks. The perfect girl.

She's sitting on a park bench looking tense and alarmed, yet so beautiful. He walks up to her and smiles. "Erza."

She looks up and nods, no words needed to be spoken in her opinion. She had said what she wanted to say yesterday.

"Thanks for meeting me," he says awkwardly. "I uh, I thought we could go grab some cake?"

She shakes her head. "Sorry, not hungry."

He sighs. That's it. With one quick movement, he swoops her off her feet and throws her across his shoulder. If she wants to escape she can, but he doubts she does. He knows Erza's curious about how this night will turn out, which is also why he only receives small protests in response to his actions.

Jellal had actually planned everything for tonight, but he had not planned the rain. So when they arrived at a small area outside out of town that was actually dry (due to the trees working as a sort of roof) with a tent and a bonfire, that was all Jellal's doing. Them being soaked when they got there was the rain's doing. "Sorry," he says softly. His jacket hadn't been enough to protect her from the cold water pouring down, and he felt bad. "I uh, I have blankets. We should probably get this wet clothes off. You can change in the tent, that's where the blankets are."

"Thanks, but uh, I have my magic..."

"Right!" Jellal closes his eyes, hoping the earth would swallow him. "I'll just go take off my wet clothes then."

When he steps out of the tent wrapped in nothing but a towel he's suddenly aware of how dressed Erza is compared to him. She's wearing her regular pajamas, but it's way more clothing than he can ever hope for in a situation like this one.

Erza's sitting by the fire, keeping herself warm and he just wants to kiss her right here and now, but that will ruin everything, he knows it will. So he simply walks up to her, one gift in each hand, and he places them in front of her.

She looks at him, but no words really needs to be spoken, so she quickly unwraps the first gift he'd put down. It's a box of chocolate, and she can feel the tears in her eyes, dangerously close to cascading down her face.

Not yet, she convinces herself. Be strong.

So she unwraps the second gift, and she gasps quietly. It's a sword, but it's not just any sword. It's a beautiful sword made of black steel with a red hilt that has a blue crystal inbedded.

"It's that sword you've been talking about for ages. Shuusui*, that's what it's called."

"Thank you," Erza murmurs, a single tear finding it's way across her face.

"Look closely."

So she does. She tilts the sword and she sees words. In the rare black steel are the words:

Erza Scarlet, will you be my girlfriend?

"I know it's not what you'd been hoping for, but I'm new to this whole romance thing so if you could just bear with me and try to unders-,"

"Yes," Erza interrupts him. "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend."

And then her lips meet his and the birds are singing, the leaves are dancing and the trees hum silently into the night.

Shuusui - Autumn Water (I took it from One Piece, sorry Oda)

English is not my first language, and I'm tired. This is not proofread so please point out any errors you see.

Just wanted to give you guys an early update.

Did I spell Jellal's name right..?

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