Gay oc

46 1 10

Name: Icei Pandora Sinister
Nickname:Pandora(he goes by Pandora than Icei)
Crush: Xavier
Sexuality:Closer Gay
Personality:Icei can be rude at times but he's mainly a quiet and antisocial teenager.He won't speak much unless he wishes.He's outgoing outside of school but still is shy and antisocial
Weight:115(he's very light)
Appearance:(He has emerald green eyes)

He's outgoing outside of school but still is shy and antisocialHeight:5'5Weight:115(he's very light)Appearance:(He has emerald green eyes)

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Living room

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Living room

Living room

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His room

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His room

His Parents room

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His Parents room

His sister's room

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His sister's room

His sister's room

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His Dog,Falter

His car,btw he's a rich kid if you couldn't tell by now

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His car,btw he's a rich kid if you couldn't tell by now


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