Don't Leave Me Behind

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Name// Moun Dae Black

Orginal Name// Cherri Daisy Black

Pronunciation// Moon Day Black

Nickname//Many just call him Kitty,though he doesn't know why.

Age// 21

Gender// Transgender male.

Rank// Omega

Sexuality// Gay and Demisexual

Species// Werewolf

Looks// Face Claim in Ryan Casetta

Looks// Face Claim in Ryan Casetta

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Tattoos// Above

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Tattoos// Above

Percings// lip,nose,and ear percings

Werewolf Looks//

Werewolf Looks//

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Height// 5'2

Personality// Moun is a very shy and quiet individual,although he does make sure to keep ontop of all his tasks. When demanded to do things,he can be defiant but he does them none the less. He is very nice to other ranks,besides the Alphas. Due to his past he doesn't like alphas as much as most. He views them as selfish, though does not dare to say those thoughts outloud. He is playful and sweet when you get to know him,often found running around with the pups or assisting the elders. Occasionally you will see the angry and/or depressed side of this small male, but he hides it well.

Strengths// Tree climbing,believe it or not. At a young age he'd always run off and climb trees. He is also very good at agility, jumping, and baking. Yes,to him baking is a strength. Always got to keep the higher ups happy!!

Weaknesses// Swimming,due to his past he refuses to get into open water,lakes, and sometimes even the bath. Running,due to his small form and disability Moun can not run. Fighting,he's weak and he knows it. Lastly,fire. He refuses to go around fire.

Likes// This omega loves to play! Running around with the pups,though it may get him in trouble. He loves to cook,bake,and clean aswell. Though what he loves most is sneaking off onto the roof at night,to watch the stars and moon. Listen to the nature,even though he's not supposed too.

Dislikes// Alphas are his main dislike,he despises them and wants nothing to do with them. He hates water,being given too many tasks,being made fun of, and being deadnamed and called a girl.

He is single,unmarked,and a virgin.

Family// Moun was abandoned at the age of 7, this is background.

Moun was born to a Warrior and healer couple named Joshua Black and Marri Dae. Once Moun was born,Joshua saw that he was different due to his eyes being so dark. Both parents had beautiful light blue eyes, so they didn't understand. Come to find out, Moun was blind. Joshua heard of this news and from that day on,would come home and beat Moun for being different. Merri,pregnant with the second child. Died trying to birth the child,nor her or the pup surviving. Joshua blamed this on Moun,and would constantly harm him. The yowls and cries at night,but no one saved him. The Alpha of that pack would even join in,watch and be pleased by his warrior. That is,until Moun turned 7. He was abandoned at his current pack,blending in with the pups that were there. Yet,he always had hate for Alphas and other higher ranked wolves. Still afraid that one day, an Alpha will come along and beat him.

Other// Moun has PTSD and Insomnia, he is also blind

Roleplay Example//
Sighing a sigh of relief,Moun sat ontop of the house. Today has been a rough day for the blind male, he had been given an entire list of chores once again. This time though,he did them alone. He was unsure why no one helped,and he only hoped he did a good job at them. That was all he could do,hope, being like this he was afraid. If he did a bad job due to his deformity,would someone yell at him? Beat him,like his father did those many years ago? Moun was unsure,lightly shaking his head to get rid of the toxic thoughts that were appearing. Sighing,he tilted his head up. As if he were looking at the moon.

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