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"Your ice cream is melting" lisa said making me snap out of my thoughts

taehyung and I have separated earlier as he and the boys have somewhere to go

The girls and I decided to shop

"are you that excited for the wedding?" They teased

"stop"I said

"not with those jerks again"I heard Jisoo said looking somewhere

We looked at who it is and saw the same group of boys who tried to harass us

"not again" I whispered

"look who we got" that jackson said chewing his gum

"didn't know a trash can actually shop around"I smirked and rolled my eyes

"you sharp tongued woman" mark

"look we're in a public place where you can easily be reported if In case  you have plan to do something" rosé warned

"I'm not going to stop bothering you "that guy named mark said taking grip on my arm

"Let me go!" I said trying to get myself back

Of all days.

"what do you think you're doing? Is this all you jerks can do? Mess up with girls because you can't handle a man?" Jisoo angrily said and took a hold of me

"I'm warning you, let go of her" jisoo warned

I can hear the threat in her voice

"No, why would I? Now that no one can actually defend you? Might as well we spend time together?" this pathetic mark said and lean his head closer to mine

"Are you crazy? Even dogs won't dare to date a jerk like you" I said glaring at him but he just grin

"You're all about this jerk thing, admit it you find me interesting" he said

how dare he

Whatever, I'll just do this to escape this fucking guy

Without hesitation, I bumped my head on his intentionally and finally grab myself away from him

"You're crazy I don't even know you"I said growling out of pain

I feel like I just hit a rock on my head

"a thug like you? You don't deserve even an inch of me" I added

He was left growling on his own rubbing his head

He glared at me

He was about to get close again but

"What do.."he was interrupted by a guy who stood behind us

"eonnie? Are you alright?"lisa asked checking on me

"Jennie?" he called which made us look at him


"Are they messing with you?" He asked making a step forward to us

""and who's this now?" one of the guy said pointing at him

Baekhyun stood in front of us and stared at them having his hand on his pocket

"I'm warning you, stop messing with these girls.  this just prove how coward you all are" he said

"I hope this will be the last time I'm seeing you guys near them" he said and smile

Is there something going on with them

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