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"why are we here all of a sudden?" Chaeng yawned resting her head on the table

The girls and I decided to spend our time here at the library

"Jennie has to find something here" I said

"you can guys go ahead if you find it boring, I'll go after some time" jennie smiled

"we're staying for you"lisa insisted

"I can wait, all I need is my headphone "  chaeng said showing us her headphone 

"I'll just walk at the book shelves, I'll try to look something interesting" I excused and jennie nodded

"okay" jennie replied and focused back on what she's reading

I walked at the Music Books section and individually scanned them to look for some interesting to read

I was never a fan of books but sometimes I do enjoy reading of it's too interesting

It's just not frequent

"Piano?" I mouthed reading the book in front of me

"oh? they have this?" I gasped and excitedly grab the book out of the shelf

Unconsciously, as I was about to pulk it out one of the books came with it

Making it fall straight to my forehead

I groaned out of pain

I wasn't expecting that.

"what are you doing?" I was startled when someone came

he's stopping himself from laughing

I rolled my eyes

"was it that too funny?" I asked crossing my arms

"how can you be so clumsy"he chuckled

I gotta say he's charming when he smiled

"oh? Jungkook told me you were looking for me yesterday?" he asked placing his hand on his pocket

Yeah I was

"forget it, I was told to give you a letter but I couldn't find you so I secretly placed it on your locker"I said

Stupid alibi

That letter was actually from me.

I've been admiring him since their debut

no malice just an idol..

"oh? That letter?" him

I nod

"But it says it's from you?" He said with a teasing look

Did I write my name on it???

"what do you mean? Stop joking" I said avoiding his gaze

I don't want to be embarrassed

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