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I wake up in the same white room I was in before. There's a guy standing by one of the walls, right by the door, and I recognize him as one of the assholes that grabbed me before I passed out.

"Can I go now?" I ask, and the guy just glares at me before looking back up at literally nothing. "I'll take that as a no." I mutter.

Not even a minute later, I see the door opening and that Lexa girl walks in, all smiles and happy eyes. I want to puke.

"Good evening, Ryan." She says. "How was your nap?"

"I don't know. I was passed out." I say with an eye roll.

"It's been a week, so you should be very well rested." I widen my eyes at her.

"A week? A week?"

"A week." She smiles and motions for me to follow her as she leaves the room.

"So you guys just inject drugs into a persons body and make them sleep for a fucking week?" Lexa hums and continues walking to - where is she going? I look around and I see a few more people wearing white clothes like me, looking just as fucking confused as I am. "Are they here to change the world, too?" I ask. I'm really annoyed with this bullshit.

"You catch on quickly, Ryan." Lexa says.

"Um. It's common sense. They're dressed like me. They're obviously confused. You know, like me." Lexa doesn't say anything, and we're eventually walking into another room, which, you guessed it, is white.

There are white tables, white chairs, that same magic globe thing, and hey, can I go look in it please? I see people sitting at the tables, dressed in white and staring up at the globe.

"Take a seat." Lexa tells me.

I purse my lips and sit next to a girl, who's staring straight ahead.

"So," I say, hoping to start up a conversation with someone who isn't fucking crazy. "what're you here for?"

She looks at me with furrowed eyebrows and she probably thinks I'm the crazy one.

"No idea." She says then. I nod and lean back in the chair.

Seconds later, that Mr. Andrews guy walks in and of course he's all smiles also.

"Welcome!" He sounds, and the room remains quiet. It's making me sick at how happy these people are. "This is a sort of seminar. We'll go over why you're here and how you'll change your world."

"This is a load of horse shit!" I hear someone yell.

"When we use the term changing your world, we don't mean the actual earth. We mean your world. The way you are. The way you do things. Your life. Your lifestyle. You'll need to change it."

"Bullshit." The girl next to me says. I nod in agreement without looking at her.

"So, let's begin." Mr. Andrews say. "All of you have one, or many, things in common."

"Oh, can I guess what it is?" Someone else says loudly. "Is it that we're all stuck here in this make believe land of dumb fucks?"

"You're all gay." Mr. Andrews say. I furrow my eyebrows. I'm not gay. I've had sex with a girl, and okay, a boy too, but that doesn't make me gay. Maybe bisexual if I wanted to put a label on it, but I'm not gay. "Being intimate with a person of the same sex as yourself, is considered a sin."

"Are you God? What the fuck." I can't help but laugh, but I try to hold it back. "Are we living in the fucking bible?"

I rub my hands over my face and close my eyes. I hope this is just another one of those stupid nightmares.

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