Just before a new year

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 3rd person 

"Hermione can you come down stairs"her mum and dad shouted

"Coming"hermione said 

Hermione walked down the stairs and into the living room where her mum and dad were 

"Darling we have something to tell u" her dad said 

"Okay what is it" Hermione asked 

" well we adopted u when you were 8 months old"Hermione's mum said 

"Oh then who are my real parents then"Hermione said 

"We don't know also you took that very easy"her dad said 

"Anywhy You better go get packing" her mum said 

A few days later 

"I'm so excited for the year ahead"Ginny said 

"Well you should be"Ron said back 

"What did I miss"Hermione asked look confused 

"Harry and Ginny are now dating"Ron said trying not to look at them

When they arrived at hogwarts and were in the great hall 

 "We would like to welcome the year 8's that have come back and joined us after taken it part in the war "the headmistress said 

"Look who got invited back"Harry said pointing to malfoy and his friends

Malfoy kept staring at Hermione, Harry gave him a look to say stop and try to get Ron to help but he was to busy looking at lavender brown 

"Harry its fine he has stoped" Hermione said 

"Okay"Harry said"how was your holiday" 

"Good u"Hermione answered him

"Great, see u later" Harry said walking out the hall with Ginny,Ron and lavender 

Pro.mcGonagall walked up to Hermione and sais can u come to my office later today I need to talk to u also we add more books to the library so feel free to see them whenever.hermione walked to the library and she was so amazed the library was massive Hermione let out a scream of excitement the ran to the  new book isle  and ran into the one and only Draco malfoy 

" sorry, was not look where I was going"Hermione said 

"It's fine Hermione"malfoy said.

"Malfoy"Hermione shouted 

"Yes andyou don't shout in a library see u around"Draco said before marching off

Hermione's point of view

Draco malfoy being nice did the was Changed him or what anyway need to hurry up. I need to get to the comman room then see McGonagall all tonight.

 I need to get to the comman room then see McGonagall all tonight

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Authors note

I hope u all like the story.i do not own any of it only the plot.There will be things that u will not expect to happen and plot changed I hope u all in joy.I love read and writing fanfics, I also don't mind if there is something that u would like me to add person,place,thing,anything just comment am deathly  I will see where I can add it. This is my first fanfic so that's why it mit be bad,Dramione for life!

 This is my first fanfic so that's why it mit be bad,Dramione for life!

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