The meeting and more

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Today was the day that I would be meeting my family I know my brother but my parents as soon as harry and Ron find out I don't know what I will if that hate me and if I move house They  will kill me they already had a go at me when they found out I  was hanging out with Draco I can now see what every one sees in him.i was making my way to her office in only took a few minutes and I was there.

"Hi mum hi dad,hi Blaise."I said

"Oh darling we are so sorry for everything"my dad said 

"Don't worry I understand"I replied

"Are you sure"my mum asked 

"Yes it is "I replied 

"Tell us about you"

"Well I like books and all my lessons and that's about it"

"So you don't have a boyfriend"my dad asked

"Well I did but we broke up after we are better as friends."I told them

"Hermione you have some classes I would not like you to be late give this to your teacher"

"Okay" I replied 

I headed to class and only four minutes after Draco was out side my class 

"Ladies first"he said 

"Why thank you"I said unsure about the why he was behaving 

We walked in laughing them I could feel Ron,Harry and Ginny staring at me I went to the teacher and said McGonagall gave me this to give to you.the lesson finished and I ran out so fast I did not want to speak to any of three I went to the library and stayed there untill Blaise  came in 

"Hey"he said and came and sat next to me

"Hi"I answered him

"Are you okay"he asked 

Then Ginny came stomping over 

"She would be fine If you and your friends left her alone" Ginny shouted 

"But"blaise tried to say 

"Goodbye"she said and dragged me out 

In the comman room

"Hermione jean granger what is going on"Harry said 

"Tell us"Ron said

"There is nothing to tell" I said then  McGonagall came in and set me free 

"What is  happening "she said

"Hermione has changed over the holiday and we want to know what"Ginny said

"Well it is up to her to tell you"she said now go to my room 

The next day

You will be having a week off school hope you all have fun goodbye"mcgonagall said 

I was spending at my real parents the week seemed to go on for every and I had a glamor charm on and my real name was Hermione elazebeth grace zabin Blaise said I sounded like a princess that made me mad but I could not complain I had everything I wanted my life became better I just need to keep it a secret also a fact about my name is people commonly call me Mia zabin instead of Hermione I don't know why but they do an I quite like  it I think.

I was spending at my real parents the week seemed to go on for every and I had a glamor charm on and my real name was Hermione elazebeth grace zabin Blaise said I sounded like a princess that made me mad but I could not complain I had everything I...

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This is Hermione when the glomor charm had been removed also elezebeth is meant to be spelt like that as of who she is!

The next term

"Hermione you can trust us"Ginny said as we entered the great hallI was looking at Blaise and Draco Blaise waved and Ginny shot him a look I felt bad for him and then I went of to my day dream.mcgonagall kept us back at the end this was never good and as soon as the end of law dept meant came in there must of been something bad we also stared to worry Blaise looked at me and my daydream came to a halt.

"Hermione Hermione HErmione"Harry shouted 

"What"I replied 

"What s going on"Ron asked

"With you hair"Ginny said 

"I don't know" I lied my spell had worn off my real hair colour came I out I looked at McGonagall 

"All student I'm sorry to say a new law has come out this is because the population has decreased by a huge amount you will be married and you must have a child a mouth after the wedding"mcgonagall shouted loads of people stared to shout Ginny grabbed Harry an never let her go

"The hat will choose your partners due to what personality you have I will shouted a name out the will come and sit infromt of me them I will put the hat on them and they will get there partner"McGonagall said 

"HARRY POTTER"she shouted 

Slowly he walked up and only a second later Ginnys name was said my brother was with Luna, Ron was with lavender, pansy was with Nevill I stood waiting for my name but I never called I thought why,why has my name not been shouted  I stood dreaming I lost track of time but I know I still had not been pick maybe I was marring someone from a different school I was not sure all I know is that I had to wait to find out

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2017 ⏰

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