What McGonagall wanted

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Hermione"s point of view 

I dropped all of my books of and went to pro.McGonagall office.There on the table was a letter that was addressed to me and it had a stap important as soon ask saw it was worried what did it have what did I do trying to think but I could not then McGonagll told me the news.Hearing all this seemed like a dream but it was not she handed me th letter

Dear Hermione Jean Granger,

We would like to tell u that u are imfact a pure blood and part of a very important pure blood family line: the Zabins, yours  the ministry 

"What"I shouted I've never been so annoyed 

"Miss granger you must calm down, you will meet your family tomorrow before you lessons,please say about this to no one"McGonagall said 

"Yes" I replied I stared walking to the common room when Draco came out the library 

"Hermione I will walk you back to your common room"Draco said in a bold way

"Okay"I answered

"Wait you are going to let me " Draco said still walking but rubbing his head

"Yes you are different kinder"I told him "well we're here now see you again sometime

In the common roo

"So what did McGonagall want" Harry said with Ginny head on his stomach 

"Nothing much"I replied 

"Okay what about wha t did Draco want"ron shouted 

"Oh he offered to walk me back to the common room,you know that he has changed"I told them all

"Hermione go to bed before you say something else that is stupid"ginny said Hermione

"Fine"I replied  then once i had gone the noise level went very high

The next day 

"Hermione are u better today"Ron said 

"Yes"I replied

"Good because I don't know what happened to you yesterday but u were mad"Ginny sai d

"Okay I get it"I shouted" you think I was out of my mind"I had not realised that every one had heard me 

"Hermione you got a letter" Neville said 

" thank you"I said 

Dear Hermione 

I would love it if you could meet me in the library this night but I can understand I feel  you would want to stay with you friends.

Yours D.M

I looked over at his table he just smiled at me and I laughed 

"What's so funny"Harry said

I had to lie "oh vitor sent me a letter saying he would like me to go to his house and meet his parents"I told them 

"Oh so you will be busy"Ron said

" yes  tonight"I said "well better get going"

"Bye"Harry said

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