5] alive again

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youth- glass animals

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youth- glass animals


The beach stretched much farther than you had anticipated it would, with pockets of people of all ages stretched out across it. However, the biggest surprise was the large pier that stretched out into the water and the beautiful mountainous landscape that fell behind it. You had never seen a section of earth that was so attractive before, and you felt excitement rise in your chest.

Hoseok practically jumped out of the back of the truck the second that Kai brought it to a stop in the parking lot. He smiled, his excitement showing through as well, reaching for your hand to help you get down.

"This place is amazing! I can't believe you prefer Poipu over this," you exclaimed, almost spinning in a circle so you could absorb all the corners of your magnificent surroundings.

"I'll admit, it's difficult to beat the views at Hanalei Pier. But, the waves for surfing are much better back home," Hoseok reached for the first surfboard and pulled it out of the back of the track.

"Oh, how come you wanted to drive this far then? If the waves aren't the best?" You went over beside Hoseok, standing on your tiptoes as you struggled to reach for your backpack. Hoseok chuckled and grabbed it for you, slinging it over his shoulder.

"You don't have to carry that. I can-"

"I got it. And this beach is good for beginner surfers. Kaylen has been struggling with some of his technique lately, so Kai and Felix and I thought it would be good to bring him out here to practice. A change of scenery might help him get over his mental block," Hoseok explained as the others began to pile out of the truck.

"Y/N! We can let these perfectly capable, strong boys do the heavy lifting. Want to help me find a nice stretch of sand to sit on?" Lea grinned, skipping toward you.

"Thanks for calling me a 'perfectly capable, strong boy', but I personally think that you're a perfectly capable, strong girl," Felix smirked, coming up behind her, an arm around her waist to stop her from walking any farther.

"Flirting with me isn't going to convince me to carry that bag."

Felix pressed a kiss to her cheek. "Silly girl," he chuckled before slipping the bag on her shoulder so quickly that she couldn't resist it. He retreated back to the other boys, beginning to drag out the other surfboards.

"Felix!" Lea complained, pouting.

"It's already on your shoulder now so you might as well just carry it," he turned for a brief moment and winked at her. You suppressed a laugh.

"I hate you!"

"Love you too, babe," Felix called out without turning around, leaving Lea muttering under breath about how he's a flirty idiot.

youth // jung hoseok ✔️Where stories live. Discover now