Chaoter5: hte Problanatic Promblom

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A/N: soz im am sorryies guys fro not making chaptres so fastly. In busy thos and stuff anf i kust saww the solar eclipses and ist was amaezeinggn!!!!1! this chapsta isreally rleally dramtic so watchs iut


Shinykit woke pu a in drema! "Wow!" She gasSes "its so dark in here!!" She gasps! An deep voise scarred her "hello there.." "OMIGOSHHD!!!!!1!!!1!! WHOS WHAS THAT?!??!???!!'"
DHE SCREAMS !!!!!! wowzer shes was dcrared. she looked BEHIND HER>!~! IT WAHAS TRIGRSTRAW!!!!!!!1!!!!! "OMHGLOSHLIES! SHE GASPS "sorry, I didn't mean to scrae you..." hes says. "oh  its oki" shes says. "why am I here?" " wells, youre ARE HERE BECAUSE I WANTED TO TALK TO YOU he says (I put sin caps srory) "about what..???" "ive have been watching abver you n for a whlies.." "why?" "because, I think you are worthy of my training!" "REALLLYL>>!>!>>???"""" "yes... now I will hsves to qgqete bacxkcs withs you later! goodbye sjinystar!" "oh... tgoodbye!!!" she NSTANTLY WOKES UP. "WOAIhhhHH IMA AWAKEE!" SHE YELLS. Jayit lookes hat hre and hugffs. "Ohmgtgloshlies shinysyar whys you wake me up withs cute screamsns??!!!?" He huffsses. "CUTE SCRMEMSADE!??!!'vnn ncn' SHE SAYS I DONT SA HAVSA CUTE SCREMAS'!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2017 ⏰

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