Cahpter 2: The new Apprintice

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A/N: Im not copyng starkits prophecy!!!!!!!1 idk what thet is!!!!! Please no hates!!!! And this no troll fic?!! P.S. Me friend draw thiss for me!!:

That's waht shes looks like!!!!!' Whenever she fihggts hr markings thrn rainbow!!

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That's waht shes looks like!!!!!' Whenever she fihggts hr markings thrn rainbow!!

She had a glicening white pelt with a big star on her back, one star oround her eye, and the top of her tail and tips of her paws were yellew. Her pupils were shapd as stars to.

"Hello!!!! I'm Shinykit!! I descrnded from starClan!!!" She slmiled. "I am a descendant of thunderstar, the founder of thundercapn. She said.

Everyone gasped.! Firestar ran out of his den and gretted her. "Hello, young kit!!! I heard you were a descendant from starcaln." He loked around and whisperd in her ear "ive heard a profecy about you: 'A star will descend from the sky, and lead the clan to victory'" she gasped i am part of a propecy???!! "Wow!!" She gasped

"Now, i will set up a huntingg patrol! Sandstorm, broke, stormfur, and brambleclaw!" Firestar announced. The cats who were called gathered and went out to hnut.

"Macke yourself at home" he said quielty to Shinykit. She wandered around camp, as evryone greeted her. They all seem frindly she thougt quietly. She loocked around the dens, and snifed around the fresh kill pile. She was startled and jumped up 10 fr into the air as Hollykit Lionkit and Jaykit snuck up behind her.

"Hello! I'n hollykit. These are my brothers, lionkit and Jakit!!!!" Hollyleaf said happily. Shinykit greeted them happily too.

As they walked away after a conersation,,, shinykit got board and followed Brableclaw and his patrol. She wached as they were hunting so well. She copied theyre moves and everything. She praticed it on a muuse, and she caught it!!!! She squealed with joy "i cought it! I couught a mouse!!!!" Brambleclaw came up to her in shokce. "Wowah!!" He gasped in austonishmint! "You cuoght a mouse on youre frist day in camp!"

She felt pride inside. "Can i help you with hunting?" She asked him. "Whith those skills? Of cruose!!!" He mewed. She huntered a juicy bunny, and a bird and the whole claln was fed thanks to shinypaw and her hunting patroll

Friestar saw this and clladed for a clan meeting. "Evry cat old enough to ctcha theyre own prey come to the clan oppening for a clan meeeting!!!!" As the clan gatherd, he says "i have seen Shinykit's skills in hunting, and im am very proud of her! She will now be premoted to apprinticeship-- i will be her mentor!!" Every car shouted "Shinypaw! Shinypaw! Shinypaw!" She blushed as she walked up to the higheock wow! Im already an apprintec!!

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