20 ⇒ we sit quietly

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Lauren Orlando


We sit quietly in the noisy cafeteria at school; Kenzie, Johnny, Maddie, Saryna, Maisy, Annie and Hayden that is.

There's a weird mood settled over our group, and I think I know where it's stemming from.


She hasn't touched any of the food on her tray; or the water for that matter. While we all power to finish our meals, she simply sits, staring into space. Annie and Hayden make a little conversation, but I can tell they're desperate to leave as Hayden's eyes keep travelling down Annie's body and his body language shows that he's uncomfortable.

"Just go you two lovebirds." Maddie laughs, and Annie looks at Hayden confusedly.


"I need to talk to you." Hayden stammers, grabbing Annie's arm. Her eyes flash with doubt but she lets him lead her out anyway.


The sexual tension between them was even getting to me.

John turns to Maddie and laughs about something, and I watch Kenzie. Hurt flicks through her eyes and I swear that a few tears form.

"I've got to go do homework." Kenzie mumbles, and everyone at the table gives wide eyes back at her. She begins shoving things into her bag at random, and leaves her food on the table as she rushes off.

John and I make eye contact. Worry seems to be etched into his features.

"I'll go." I say, knowing she'll be in the library.

"Is she okay?" Maisy asks, full of concern.

"I- I don't know." I say truthfully. "Everythings been getting to her lately."

"She's okay at home." Maddie speaks quietly. "Until night that is."

"What? What's wrong with night?" Johnny quizzes, looking pained. Fuck. He really does love her.

"She- she cries herself to sleep. If I go to try and help, she lies down and no matter what I say she doesn't reply."

Saryna looks horrified.

"And then early morning, she'll get nightmares, and wake up screaming. I'm so, so worried about her but she won't open up." Maddie says, sounding heartbroken.

"She won't talk to me."


[372 words]

authors note - konnichi wa!!

kenz seems devastated :((
i wish i could just hug her through my screen, anyone else?

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