After Tris: Chapter 4

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This was going to be the last time, he promised himself silently. The last time he saw her...ever. The thought sent a stab of unbearable pain through him, and he repeated it over and over again, silently, hoping to accomplish what, he didn't know. Death would be less painful than what he felt right now. Knowing for sure that he wouldn't see her ever again. He would kill himself in a heartbeat to join her, and he had tried to figure out the quickest way to go, but every time he tried, Christina's voice echoed back to him. That ending his suffering would be the cowards way out. And Tobias was no coward. Or maybe he was, which was why he hadn't killed himself yet. But oh god, he missed her so much. He was going crazy.

A knock on the door interrupts his desperate, slightly disturbing thoughts. Tobias clears his throat, hoping his voice doesn't reflect what was going on in his head and says

"Who is it?" Good. His voice sounds normal.

"Open the door" Gosh dang Matthew.

"What do you want?"

"Open the darn door Tobias" An unfamiliar, much harsher voice than Matthew's says.


Tobias decides its probably better if he doesn't resist. He's in no mood for a fight.

He opens the door and says

"What the heck, you interrupted me in the mid-" There are four people outside. Matthew, an older man in a suit, with jet black hair with streaks of white and grey in it. And then standing behind them, were two other people, wearing uniforms and...was that a taser strapped to their belts? What the heck?

"We know its you" The older man says and Tobias stops, mid sentence and tries not to freak out.


"We know its you who's been taking the fear serum from the labs, and we've known since you started"

"No! This is a mis-"

"We caught you on camera Tobias" Camera? What the heck's that?

Matthew see the confused look on his face because he smiles; or at least he tries to.

"Camera is a sort of visual recording device and for extra security purposes, we've set them up all over the place, that is, except the rooms"

Gosh damn this whole freaking place and their fancy equipment.

"Now, we don't know what you're going to do with the serum, and we doubt it's anything dangerous, but we know for a fact that you have increased how many you take over the past 3 months. We decided not to say anything the first few months, but now it's gone too far. This needs to stop, and you need to tell us why you need the fear serum or we'll arrest you. Or worse, throw you out. You're a GD so no one will care anymore" He was harsh...or maybe just truthful.

Wait a second, if everyone in this place had forgotten about the GD's, how did this man remember? Who was he?

What the heck what is going on?

"I still don't believe you you know" Matthew thought out loud. Tobias was next to him, being escorted along by the two guards, both of which were holding one of his arms. He had surrendered what little fear serum he had and had told them he'd only been stealing it to get into his fear landscape, which as he said it out loud, he realised it made no sense.


"It's a fear serum. It's supposed to bring your worst fears to life. Why would you willingly put yourself through that torture, I just don't get it"

Neither did Tobias. What was wrong with him? Matthew was right. There were a lot of things no one understood about Tobias, but this was the first one he didn't understand either.

"Ah, here we are" the old guy said

"What are you going to do to me?"

"You'll find that out soon enough, shut up now"

They turned into a room and Tobias stopped walking.

There in the middle of the plain white room, was a plain white gurney and Tobias felt like all the air had been squeezed out of his chest. He knew what this was for.

And no way was he going to let them do this to him. He had promised himself something, and he had meant it. He wasn't going to go back into his fear landscape for anything, especially not an organisation he still had mixed feelings about.

No, they were going to have to find someone else to help them with this. He was pushed onto the gurney and lay down. The "guards" or whatever were holding both his arms down. He couldn't get out.

"No! No please no I can't! Not again please don't do this" he begged with the older guy, but the older guy just smirked and filled up an injection with a substance Tobias was all too familiar with. Fear serum.

He struggled against his guards till he was told to shut up and turn his head to the right.

No no no.

Then suddenly Tobias felt something thin and slightly painful. Like a pinch, but lighter, jab him in the neck.

He struggled against his captors, managing to get one arm out of the grip of the guard, and he waved it around wildly, punching someone in the nose. He heard a muffled curse and that was all, before he blacked out.

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