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Once upon a time there was two teenage girls and believe it or not they were incredibly bad at making decisions well that's not true they were good at making decisions just not smart ones. Don't believe me here's an example are main heroin  Lucy Michelle Springsburg she's about to start her last year of middle school most kids her age would be. Studying like crazy or something but not Lucy she went out of her to completely bomb every single one of her tests

now you might think she would have to repeat a year or something right well again you would be wrong because Lucy's dad Mr.springsburg  is The school's principal and not to mention it loaded for example you know who the richest person in the world is correct well if you compared Lucy's dad to him they would be nowhere close to the same amount but hes still very much Rich so Lucy kind of got a free ride through life so instead of worrying about keeping her grades up she has been heavily thinking about the fact that she wants to ........make a club .

yes, you read right ! See besides flunking every single test she really hasn't done anything and this year she decides to change this see Lucy is what you call an antisocial which to be blunt means she  has like 0 friends  not a single one which kind of makes sense because besides her being antisocial  her arrogant sarcastic rude personality wasn't giving her any favors but of course she reveled in it and was soon known as the weirdo of the school but this year was going to be different at least that's what she told her self and so  the idea of a club sprouted . " if I  could mask A super popular club then people would want to be my friend". she thought. Well she wasn't completely wrong.

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