Mrs. perfect student

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"No way way" "it can't be" "that's unreal" all comments Cynthia DORIS has had spoken about her frequently at least when it comes to her grades see she has a very high intelligence and  she has The studying hours to back it up but besides her astounding grades she's very plain looking no discernible features so she just ends up blending into the background so she doesn't really get noticed that much well except by the principal Mr. springsburg in which she is his star pupil

today is also the start of Cynthia's last year of middle school in which she is pretty excepting of the fact that she'll probably move in the middle of it her family moves very frequently which is good for the realtors but not her she doesn't like the fact that she moves all the time but except it and the fact that she moves all the time doesn't help her case of not having any friends but she still puts on a brave face and says "it could always be worse...can't it" 

"honey" oh yeah that's Cynthia's dad he's the reason that they move around so frequently he's never satisfied with anything her grades their life etc. well I guess it wasn't always like that once upon a time he was a go with the flow kind of did but after Cynthia's mother passed away he never seems to be satisfied with anything ever! "Yeah dad " Cynthia says. "If you don't start moving you're going to be late !remember what happened last time you were late" he barked  "yes Sir" she mumbled as she grabbed her stuff  and rolled out the door.

Little did she know that her life is going to be turned upside down . By a certain Richgirl

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2017 ⏰

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