Chapter 6

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~Calla P.O.V.

"Mason, this is not a dress. This is a shirt. You can't really expect me to pull this off." I complained, examining the dark fabric in my hands.

He rolled his eyes, "Cal, it's a dress. I promise. Just go shower and then go to our room. I'll take care of everything. Trust me. You'll be drool worthy." He paused, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Well, more so than you are now, I suppose."

I raised an eyebrow, pinning him with a playful expression. "Is that meant to be a compliment, brother?"

He chuckled, "Go shower." He shooed me from the room as I laughed.

Entering the bathroom, I noticed the steam filling the room.

"I'm in here." Greyson called.

I felt the blood fill my cheeks as images of him filled my mind. "It's only me. It's nothing I haven't see before." I teased, smirking.

It was quiet for a long moment as I sat on the toilet seat.

"Are you still in here?" His voice rang out.

Smiling to myself deviously, I stood, slipping out of my clothes. "I need to shower, so yes. Is that a problem?" I questioned gently.

I could hear the smile in his voice as he replied. "It is when I'm showering alone." There was an offer in his words as my face contorted in surprise. I schooled my features, sliding the curtain back as I stepped into the shower. As I secured the curtain in place, strong arms circled my waist. I smiled, leaning into his body.

"I wasn't sure you would join me." He mumbled, kissing my neck.

"I wasn't sure you would want to shower with a monster." I admitted quietly. He paused, I closed eyes, waiting for him to realize his mistake. To my surprise, as well as my pleasure, he turned me around to face him, pinning me against the shower wall as his golden brown eyes looked into mine, piercing soul.

"You aren't a monster, baby." His eyes were sincere as he continued, "You were protecting me. I was in shock. I never even considered the possibility of you killing someone. You were always so light and innocent. So..." His eyebrows pulled together as he searched for the words to say. I studied his face, his strong jawline, his proud nose, his cheekbones. Catching my stare, his eyes were brought back to mine.

"I was light without any darkness and now I am darkness with very little light. You are my light, Greyson. If you can forgive me for all the things I've done.." I trailed off as the lump in my throat grew. Feeling emotions wasn't natural to me the way it once was.

His lips turned up at the ends, a small smile appearing as his hand caressed my face. "There's nothing to forgive." He whispered, kissing my forehead. "Can I help you with your shower? I don't want you to tear your stitches." He asked politely, as he held me.

I smiled against his chest. "You don't need to ask. Some of them might be healed enough to have taken out." He grimaced, stepping back as he pulled me under the spray of the water.

"As happy as I am that you heal fast and all that, I'm not pulling your stitches out. It was bad enough watching Mason put them in."

I laughed, "I wasn't expecting you to take them out. I was just letting you know."

He smiled, taking my hair in his hands and massaging the water into my thick hair. "I didn't notice these before." He said in awe.

I smiled as he traced the elegant violet angel wings that were placed on each shoulder blade and flowed to the bottom of my hips. "I got those done a few weeks after the accident."

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