Chapter 6: Master Plan

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Ch:6 Master Plan

You and emma wake up the next morning and quikley remember that niall had invited you and 4 of your friends to a party in L.A. You lean up to look at emma who has her thinking face on "iv been thinking about my plan some more, want to hear it?" as she is saying that your allready saying "tell me tell me tell me" "ok so i have family in L.A that im very close with and my mom has alteady said that i can go and visit them whenever i wanted since i dont really get the chance to see them that much, so what i will do is ask my mom if i can go see them and i'll see if you can come with and then we just ask your mom" as emma is saying this your alteady thinking this plan is full proof "yea cause your cousins are going to let us go to some party at a hotel with a bunch of guy's" you say, "oh did i mention that my cousins live in the same apartment and Natash is 18, Annel is 21 and Cassie just turned 19" emma say's "so?, what does that have to do with anything" you say as you get up and get dressed "uhg... [Y/N]! USE YOUR BRAIN! their party girls, they will let us do anything we want, but dont tell my mom cause then she crearly wont let us go" emma get's up to get dressed as well "ohhh i see, i see, but what about the other girls, how are they gonna get there?" you ask em "well,.... Ang is 18 so she can do whatever, and mine and nic's mom's are very close, she always ask's nic's mom if she want's to go with everytime we go somewhere special, and i guess tay will just have to ask her mom and hope for the best" your starting to relize that em ma is just as good as a lier as you are, you go to check your phone and you see that you have 1 missed call 1voicemail and 5 text messages, ALL from Niall, but you dont mind cause it make's you feel wanted and special and needed and all that good stuff. You both go out into the living room and sit down and eat breakfast. Emma takes her phone to text her mom she say's *hey you know how u said i can go and visit ashley,cassie and natasha when i wanted.... well can i go and visit them for 1 week... next week maybe?* she sends it and you both wait for a reply, you want to make sure that it is ok with her mom before you carry on with the rest if the plan. It's saterday and you both relize that you have nothing planned you look at emma and say "i can't believe it's a saterday and were not doing anything i meen c'mom im dateing a celeberty and we have been invited to a VIP party in L.A , there has to be something we can do" "yea this is kinda sad is'nt it" you both get up to put your plates away "id say" you mummble all of a suden emma's phone goes off and you think in your head that this is the moment of truth she opens the text that say's *yea i guess, if we dont have anything planned* you both start jumping up and down in joy but then you stop jumping and grab ahold of emma so that she will stop as well "wait" you say "you still need to ask her if i can go with" "oh yea" she say's. She gets out her phone and texts her mom again *yay thnx, and hey do u think maybe i can bring [Y/N] with us?* just as you send that text you get another text from your mom that say's *and i have alteady asked nicole's mom an she said that she can go with you :)* emma look's at you with a smile "well part 1&2 of our plan are completed now" she say's. A few minutes pass and her phone goes off again, it's her mom who said *only if it is ok with [Y/N]'s mom and i want proof so that i can make sure she said yes, other than that, im fine with it* you and emma start jumping up and down again, "now we just need to ask your mom ......TONIGHT" emma say's. "Well my mom is at work right now so we will ask when she get's home at 5:00" you say. It is currently 2:00 so you both need to find something to do for the 3 hours. Then it hit's you, "PACK" you yell "LETS PACK FOR L.A" em look's at you like your the smartest person in the world, you both go back into your room, pull out your suitcase and start shoveing clothes into it. Emma relizes that she fcant pack for L.A right now cause she is'nt at her house so she doesnt have any of her clothes so she just pack's up her stuff so she doesnt have to later when you drop her off at her house. You literally pack everything in your closet except for the clothes you need for tomorrow and on the day of the flight which is going to be early monday morning and today is saterday so you dont have long. Packing doesnt take as long as you thought it was going to take, it only took one hour and it only took Emma about 30 minutes, but she still has to pack for next week when she get's home. You pull out your phone and send Niall a text that say's *gess what im doin* this time instead of putting your phone on vibrate you turn the volume all the way up so that when he text's you back the ringtone you set for him play's every time so it doesnt get as boring as your waiting for your mom. You both go back into the living room and sit down on the couch, and all of a sudden you hear your phone going off, it starlted the both of you cause it was so quiet in the room, your ringtone is What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction, of coarse, Emma look's at you and smile's and then turn's on the T.V. You open the text which say's *what are you doing,.... goodmorning btw ;)* you text back by saying *well im not doing it anymore but i just got done packing for L.A, and goodmorning to you to :)* the text sends and you put the phone back in your pocket. After thta he doesnt text back for a while and before you know it it's 5:00 and your mom is walking up the step's. You jump to your feet and run to your mom "HII" you say to her, "unm hi there" she say's as she gives you a weird yet confused look, "how was your day?" you ask "how are you?" emma ask's "did you have a nice day?" Emma add's on as you open the back door for your mom, " girls, what's going on, what did you break, or better yet.... what do you want?" your mom say's as she set's her stuff down on the kitchen table and turn's to face the two of you, "weeeeelllll" you and Emma say in unison as you both look at each other, "ok so you know how Emma as family in L.A" you say to your mom "no, actually, i didnt, but i guess i do now" your mom say's "well....i do" Emma say's with a smile "that's nice dear, please get on with yall's point" she say's in a bit of a annoyed voice but her tone in voice quickly change's "well since they live so far away she clearly hardly ever get's to see them, so her mom has said that if she ever wanted to go a visit them for a week that she can as long as they dont have anything planned" you longley explain to your mom as Emma pick's up where you left off "well i asked my mom if we had anything planned for next week and she said no, so i then i asked her if i could go and visit them next week...... with a friend" she explaines "ohhh i see where this is going" your mom say's as she leans up against the wall and crosses her arm's, "well her mom has already asked Nicole's mom if Nic could go with her and her mom said yes like she alway's does" you say to your mom "sounds like a fun trip so far" your mom say's back "yea and dont you think it would be even more fun if another one of her bestest friends came with her?" you say as you batt your eyes at her and you and Emma give your mom the puppy dog face. "Is this you asking me if you can go with her to L.A?" she say's, but as Emma say's "weeelll" you scream out "YES, yes it is, PLEEEEAAASSSSEEEE" you say as you quikley grab her hand. You can tell that she has her thinking face on, "you can talk to my mom if you want" Emma say's, and then, you your mom say's this "yes, i guess you can go" you and Emma start screaming and jumping up and down untill you relize that your mom has covered her year's so you stop an grab ahold of Emma's arm to stop her as well. When she does finally stop you pull her into your room with you and let go of her and start jumping up and down again. Emma pully out her phone and send's a text to her mom that say's *[Y/N]'s mom said yes and you should call her soon to talk about it* as she send's that text you pull out your phone and send a text to niall that say's *my mom said yes, my friend you met last night has some cousins in L.A and were gonna fly out to see them for a week, now all i need is the adress so they can drive us there, oh and we are flying out this monday morning :)* you put your phone back in your pocket and your mother yell's "GIRLS IT'S TIME TO GO DROP EMMA OFF", Emma grabs her bag's and you all run to the car, get in, and start to pull out of the drive-way.

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