Last day of summer

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Ariel wakes up the next day to her last day of summer since she is officially starting college tomorrow. It's crazy to believe how quick time flies and how she will be beginning a new chapter of her life soon. Since it is the day before school, Ariel has to prepare everything. First thing Ariel wanted to do was enjoy her last day just by staying at home binge watching YouTube and other stuff. She also did her laundry, her nails, and much more. Ariel was actually nervous but also excited for starting school tomorrow she didn't know what to expect and also who she was going to meet. The day went by really fast and it was already night time luckily she didn't have class to early so she's able to sleep in. Ariel then prepares her bag, picks an outfit for her first day tomorrow, and texted her friends. Ariel was really hoping she makes a friend in her classes since she doesn't want to be alone but she does have Julia for math class tomorrow so at least she won't be alone for that. Ariel doesn't realize how late it starts to get since she's just texting her friends but decides that she should finally go to sleep. She puts her phone done and tries sleeping but can't since she can't stop thinking about how tomorrow is going to be, she asked herself so many questions and starts overthinking about stupid things. Ariel didn't want to stress herself out and not have a good day tomorrow so she tried to not think about that and instead dream about Shawn Mendes. Ariel finally falls asleep but has no idea what tomorrow is going to be like for her.

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