32- Apocalypse// It's the end of the world babe. ONESHOT

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[[Yay Author-Chan finally a oneshot for Leviii~~]]
You had met Levi in a safe house at the start of this twisted reality, when the creatures began emerging from dead people you had traveled to the nearest safe house, there was a group of survivors, Petra, Eld, Gunther and Olou and Levi. Now after 4 years there was only you and Levi and a few other people you had met along the way.

You sat beside Levi in the place you called home which was really an old farm-house in the middle of no where, it was peaceful and you had plants growing. Your 'group' which consisted of You, Levi, Eren, Jean, Mikasa and Armin all stayed here and helped eachother. If anything, it was a nice life, nothing was perfect but it was nice. You looked over at your boyfriend Levi, "Hey Levi?" I asked, "hm?" He said as he turned around, "Remember the day you asked me out." I laughed,

It had been a couple of weeks after our old groups death and it was a quiet day, me and Levi walked up to the old farm-house which we had only discovered the day before, out of breath You sat on the porch and sighed, wiping the sweat from your forehead, Levi threw you a drinks container and you gladly chugged the contents, "Thanks. Don't know what I'd do without you." You said with a small smile, You looked up at Levi who let out a tch and walked into the house, you laughed at his response and looked out into the meadow infront of you, "Petra you would have loved it here, all these pretty flowers, How's Everyone else? Are they doing okay. Bet your having a lot more fun than I am with this shorty..." You felt a tear go down your face, "Hahah, I'm crying again. Remember when you guys would call me a baby... Well yeah, I am. But Levi's gonna make me stronger, you were right Petra.. Levi is great one on one, he's understanding and caring. No wonder you wanted to marry him, I'd marry him too... But not here ... No, this place we call earth is just a massive pile of shit and Levi doesn't deserve to lose me too. Obviously I'll get bit one day, but until then I'll make sure Levi knows even if you're gone and I'm gone and he looses everyone, He isn't alone."


I finished as I said a silent prayer and kissed my hand, I stood up and turned to find Levi behind me, "AHH! What are you doing?" I said and he just grabbed my collar and gasped in shock, I looked at Levi's eyes and he had been... Crying? Suddenly Levi smashed his lips onto mine, and slowly I kissed back, his lips were chapped but somehow I melted into it, We pulled away and I stared at him in shock. "I won't let you leave my side, I'm not gonna be alone because Your gonna be with me forever y/n. I promise you that." He spoke sternly as I just nodded, "L-Levi..." I started, "Y/N. Be my Girlfriend." He said bluntly, I stared in shock, "w-wha..." I responded, "I can't let some other shithead have you, if Your someone else's girlfriend... I can't protect you properly." He confessed, I smiled and nodded, "Ofcourse."


Levi just nodded, "Yeah. Hard to believe you actually made me show emotion." He exclaimed and I just smiled, "your hot when you show emotion." I responded with a wink, he rolled his eyes, "I prefer not to." Levi said as he put his arm around me and let me snuggle into him, "... Why?", "It's the end of the world love." He finished, I chuckled and kissed his cheek, "okay."

[[HOPE YOU ENJOYEDDDDDDD, this was cute to write. Sorry if Levi was OOC, I prefer him to show emotion and get sad.]]

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