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Mikey's point of view
Ugh I hate the first day of school. Especially when it's at a new school. Like why can't it be the same school. Right cause my idiotic step father decided to move us all the way to England.

Let's just get this day over with. I walk over to my closet and pull out my nirvana shirt and some black skinny's. I'm not trying to impress anyone so this will do. I walk downstairs. Thankful that my step dad is still asleep. I decide to skip breakfast. I mean I'm getting a little chubby anyways.

I grab my bag and walk myself to the bus stop. There's a boy there already waiting tho.

I walk closer and stand next to him

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I walk closer and stand next to him. He notices and turns towards me. "Oh hi!" He says with a smile. "Hi" I say a little quieter. "Oh are u shy?" The boy says. "Um no I just don't know u" I say with a little chuckle.

"Oh crap your right *chuckle* sorry I'm jack" ohhhhh so that's his name. Honestly his laugh is adorable. "I'm mikey". I said and laughed a little.

"So are you new here? I haven't seen u around" jack says as the bus starts to run the corner towards us.

"Yea I just moved here with my step dad" I tell him with a not so happy tone. The bus pulls up and the doors open. Jack gets on first and gets tripped by some guy with a lip piercing and blonde hair. I hear him mumble fag. And laugh with some other guy with dyed pink hair.

"What the fuck was that for?" I say looking at the boys. "Bro chill out he's a fag" the one with pink hair says.

"What the actual fuck. Just because someone likes dick, doesn't mean you can mess with them!" I say and walk back to sit with jack before they can respond.

"Why did u do that?" Jack says looking at me all nervous like. " jack your my friend and I'm gay to so I wouldn't want someone messing with me" I say full honesty. And those guys are dicks. So they can shove one up there ass and move on" I say smiling at him and giving him a hug.

------------time skip------------

I finally found my locker after a minute or so and I was so happy. Jack was in the bathroom so I had to find it myself.

"Hi!" A blonde boy with a huge smile said as he opens his locker next to mine. " uh hi?" I say shyly cause like I may seem out going. But that's only when I'm standing up for my friends.

"Awe your cute, I'm Brooklyn but just call me Brooke for short, are you new?" He says while holding his hand out. I shake his hand with a small smile. "Yea I'm new, I'm Mikey" I put all my stuff away and look at Brooklyn from head to toe.

He's wearing some black skinny jeans and a green hoodie that says Brooklyn on it. He's pretty attractive. Some one came up behind him and turned him around so he could hug him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2017 ⏰

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