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Hello guyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!

So as I promised this is my comeback update for this week!

le go


Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

Natsu received a call from his boyfriend Gray

G: Hello Natsu can you go to this coffee shop near the park I need to tell you somethig.

N: Ah! OKAY! I'll be there in 10 minutes!

G: Okay see you there... bye...

N: okay bye

As Natsu ended the call he felt that something is not right but shrug it off and dressed himself then walk his way to the cafe

With Gray...

Gray was sitting there by Juvia beside him fawning over him.

Until Natsu entered the cafe "Oh Juvia what are you doing here?" Natsu asked with a smile "Ah! Natsu sit here in front of me let's order first then we'll discuss about something" Gray said monotonously and avoiding Natsu's gaze. Natsu just nodded and ask no more

After the food is served they started eating and Natsu opened a topic "So what are we discussing with Juvia right here?" Natsu asked while Gray nervously bit his lip and Juvia giving him a pitied look

"Ah Natsu I'm ah.........I'm b-breaking up w-with you I just r-realize that I don't l-love you anymore, and that Juvia and I a-are now e-en-gaged and we will be married soon so please stay away and don't bother us" Gray announced not looking at Natsu who's tears are streaming down his red cheeks "Y-you don't l-love me?! , Y-you don't l-love me?!! am I just a mere toy to you! a toy you play when your bored!! huh am I!!!! WELL F*CK YOU AND THIS B*TCH YOU F*CKING CHEATER! I HATE YOU GRAY!!!" Natsu screamed as he threw a glass on the floor causing it to shatter in to pieces.

Wiping those eyes drenched in tears Natsu ran as fast as he could "NATSU" Gray shouted as he run after Natsu

Gray run so fast until he grab Natsu's hand "NATSU, pl..." Gray started but was cut off by Natsu "GRAY!" Natsu cried as he cupped Gray's cheeks "Gray, Say you still love me, and you're just joking that you didn't love me any more" Natsu cried as he kissed Gray lips, but Gray didn't response which causes Natsu's last string of sanity to break As he cried in anger and in pain, punching Gray in the process

Gray hug Natsu but Natsu broke free and run away from Gray, Gray sat there by the side of the road tears streaming down his cheeks while his hands tugging his hair in frustration, getting his senses back Gray run to follow Natsu

With Natsu...

Natsu keeps running with his eyes are blurred by tears, Running as fast as he could while crossing the road he didn't see a car running so fast with its blowing horns made him deaf and its bright lights made him blind and frozen on his track. He heard a very loud screeching sound that came from the cars break until he felt a powerful force hit him and the feeling that his bones shattered

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